Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the Ph.D. Program in Behavioral Science’s (DCC) page.


Here you will find important information about the Program such as its Description, Lines of Research, Researchers, and Contact Information.

Academic personnel

The main objective of this Ph.D. program is to train original and competent researchers in the basic processes of animal and human behavior. Therefore, the emphasis of our Program is on research and knowledge generation and not on professionalization.

DCC Community

The Ph.D. in Behavioral Science is recognized within the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT).


Page declaration

This Program belongs to the National Quality Graduate Program, valid until 2021. CONACyT scholarships are requested and processed through the Program Coordination. The scholarships are granted depending on applicants’ compliance with the terms and requirements established in the call and will be subject to CONACyT’s budget availability.



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