Universidad Veracruzana

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All teachers belong to the National System of Researchers (SNI)..


Dr. Emilio Ribes Iñesta


Dr. Emilio Ribes Iñesta has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a Master in Experimental Psychology from the University of Toronto, Canada, and a PhD in Philosophy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Dr. Ribes has a PROMEP profile and has been distinguished as a National Emeritus Researcher of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology, maximum recognition granted by the entity. He has published more than 200 articles in scientific journals specialized in Behavioral Science, both nationally and internationally. Additionally, he has published 30 book chapters and 21 specialized books in different areas of Behavioral Science. He has taught at the bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. level at various universities, in which he has been directly responsible for the development of their respective academic programs. His experimental research interests include phenomena of animal behavior (processes and behavioral states, molar measurements, spatiotemporal parameters) and human behavior (complex learning, social behavior and psychological development, mainly). On the other hand, his interests in conceptual research are related to the analysis of the use of psychological terms guided by authors such as Wittgenstein, Austin and Ryle; also with the scientific foundations of psychology, in matters such as levels of analysis, the relationship between basic science and applications, and the development of analytical categories that consolidate the Theory of Behavior. Finally, he is interested in behavioral aspects that concern educational processes. Academic Production: https://uv-mx.academia.edu/EmilioRibesI%C3%B1esta


Dr. Agustín Daniel Gómez Fuentes


Dr. Agustín Daniel Gómez Fuentes has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Veracruzana, a master’s degree in Psychology: Option in Behavior Analysis from Western Michigan University and a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science: Option in Behavior Analysis from the University of Guadalajara. Dr. Gómez Fuentes has been recognized as a National Researcher Level I of the National System of Investigators of the National Council of Science and Technology. In addition, he has a PROMEP profile. He has been director of more than 80 thesis regarding Psychology and Education, as well as more than 16 articles published in specialized scientific journals on these same topics. Additionally, he has published 10 book chapters and 3 specialized books on Behavioral Science and Education. He has taught at the bachelor’s and master’s level in various universities, in some of which he has been directly responsible for the development of the academic program involved. His research interests are focused mainly on linguistic modes and their relationships, as well as in the historical and philosophical analysis of psychological concepts.


Dr. Carlos Ibáñez Bernal


Dr. Carlos Ibáñez Bernal has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a master’s degree in Psychology: methodology of theory and behavioral research, from that same institution and a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science: Option in Behavior Analysis for University of Guadalajara. Dr. Ibáñez has a PROMEP profile and has been distinguished with Level I of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology. He has published more than 25 articles in scientific journals specialized in Behavioral Science and Education, both nationally and internationally. Additionally, he has published 11 book chapters and 2 specialized books on Behavioral Science and Education. He has taught at the bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. level at various universities, in some of which he has been directly responsible for the development of the academic program.


His research interests are especially linked to the analysis of the relationship between behavioral processes and education; specifically, in the analysis of didactic interactions. This has led him to the experimental study of skills development in various domains of knowledge.


Dr. Mario Amado Serrano Vargas


Dr. Mario Amado Serrano Vargas has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a master’s degree in Behavioral Science: Option in Behavior Analysis from the University of Guadalajara and a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science: Option in Behavior Analysis by that same institution. Dr. Serrano has participated in several Academic Bodies sponsored by PROMEP and has been distinguished with Level I of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology. He has published more than 15 articles in scientific journals specialized in Behavioral Science, both nationally and internationally. Additionally, he has published 2 book chapters on Behavioral Science and is currently preparing 1 specialized book in that same area. He has taught at the bachelor’s and master’s level in several universities, in one of which he has been directly co-responsible for the modification of the academic program.


His research interests are mainly related to the simplest psychological functions; however, he has also developed several studies on exclusively human psychological processes. In the first case, the effects of different spatiotemporal parameters on the molar and behavioral achievement dimensions are analyzed, using infrahuman organisms in displacement and / or conditioning chambers. In the second, the effects of different spatiotemporal and linguistic variables on human performance in procedures that involve progressively more complex adjustment criteria. He has recently initiated a line of research on behavioral adjustment in different domains of the educational field (reading, writing and mathematics).


Dr. Jairo Ernesto Tamayo Tamayo

Dr. Jairo

Dr. Jairo Tamayo has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Colombia, a masters’s degree in Behavioral Science, option in Behavior Analysis from the University of Guadalajara and a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science, option in Behavior Analysis from the same Institution. Dr. Tamayo has published several articles in scientific journals specialized in Behavioral Science and Education, on issues related to complex behavior, language, education, the study of scientific behavior, among others. He has taught at universities in the city of Guadalajara and Monterrey in México. His research interests are, in human behavior: complex human learning, specifically, extrasituational substitution, language modes, and scientific behavior. In animal behavior: the distribution of behavior based on spatiotemporal manipulations using rats as experimental subjects. He currently works on projects in both areas (human and animal behavior).


Dra. Lizbeth Pulido Avalos







Dr. Lizbeth Pulido Avalos has a degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in Behavioral Science, option in Behavior Analysis and a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science, option in Behavior Analysis from the University of Guadalajara. Dr. Pulido has published articles in scientific journals specialized in Behavioral Science, both nationally and internationally, on topics such as language or social behavior. She has also participated in the design and application of curricula for basic education based on the premises of the interbehavioral paradigm.


Her research interests are summarized in the theoretical-experimental analysis of inter-individual interactions and social relationships and the analysis of the educational phenomenon, especially in matters related to learning.


Dra. Ara Varsovia Hernández Eslava






Her research focuses on the experimental analysis of animal and human behavior and the relationship between basic science and its applications. Among her specific areas of interest in animal behavior are the study of feeding behavior in rats and the analysis of the distribution of rat behavior in time and space under different stimulus presentation programs. Regarding human behavior, her interests are mainly focused on behavior modification, highlighting the development of interventions in pediatric feeding problems.


Dr. Alejandro León Maldonado

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His research is carried out in the experimental analysis of human behavior and in the factors involved in the transition between the different levels of functional complexity in which it takes place. He also carries out historical and conceptual analysis of psychological terms and their implications in different fields (e.g. psychiatry). He is interested in the uses of concepts regarding Modes of Knowledge and how they relate to transdisciplinary analysis of the scientific domain, as well as in the development of multidisciplinary ethology-psychology work.



Dr. Jorge Alberto Ruíz Vazquez
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His research focuses on the experimental analysis of behavior. He is mainly interested in the quantitative analysis of behavioral phenomena in animals and humans. In the case of animal behavior, he has focused his attention mainly on the study of the modulatory parameters of the environment-behavior relationship and, in the case of human behavior, on the study of compulsive and non-adaptive behaviors such as the case of participation in gambling. He is currently interested in the application of methods and techniques for the analysis of the continuous properties of behavior.

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