Universidad Veracruzana

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Research profiles index

  1. Environmental Management Systems and Territorial Planning

This line of research analyzes the social processes that have led to environmental deterioration and the way in which the Government, through public policies, addresses these problems and proposes solutions. In addition, it studies the way in which development, with the lowest possible environmental impacts can be achieved, this with the participation of 3 full-time researchers.


-Alanís Méndez, José Luis

-Hernández Herrera, Rosa Idalia

-San Martín del Ángel, Pablo


  1. Environmental Pollution (prevention and control)

Within this line, the characterization of the main sources of air pollution (bodies of water and biological organisms) is carried out, as well as the treatment and management of solid and hazardous waste, this with the participation of 3 full-time researchers.


-Cuervo González, Rodrigo

-Hernández Herrera, Rosa Idalia

-Rojas Ronquillo, María Rebeca


  1. Preservation and environmental conservation

This line addresses the socio-environmental issues resulting from the transformation of urban or rural territory, in its local, regional and global scale; emphasizing studies that consider natural resources, heritage, identity and those that are related to the quality of life of communities. In addition, analyzes and creates proposals for the economic and environmental development of the territory, based on the projects of territorial planning, always considering the protection, preservation and sustainable use of natural resources; this with the participation of 4 full-time researchers.


-Alanís Méndez, José Luis

-Chamorro Florescano, Ivette Alicia

-Ortiz Domínguez, Maribel

-Pech Canché, Juan Manuel

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Fecha: 2 diciembre, 2024 Responsable: Mtra. Idalia Lucero Rosas Contacto: ilucero@uv.mx