Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the official website of the Master in Environmental Sciences (Maestría en Ciencias del Ambiente). In this portal, you will find information about this postgraduate course, which is offered in Tuxpan City, Veracruz State, Mexico.

This master’s program is incorporated into the National Postgraduate System (SNP) of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) since December 14, 2011 up to today.


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The Master in Environmental Sciences is aimed to integrate and develop professionals with capacities for the elaboration and collaboration in multidisciplinary areas for the diagnosis, prevention and solution of environmental issues, promoting the sustainable development of the region and the country.


Consolidate the Universidad Veracruzana as a leader in the development of Environmental Sciences with a high level of academic and scientific excellence, which contributes to the generation of knowledge and human resources, as well as to the solution of environmental issues due to socioeconomic development at the national and international scale.


To develop professionals of excellence level trained with a multidisciplinary approach to solve environmental and social problems related to sustainable development, based on the formulation and application of intervention projects.

Study plan:

Basic Training Area

The Master’s Degree Program in Environmental Sciences is made up of 11 basic courses and therefore mandatories.  These will be imparted in the first and second semester. The courses will be taught by academics of recognized prestige of the university as well as guests from national and / or international institutes.

Mandatories courses

Compulsory courses sum up 60 credits.

  • Environmental legislation
  • Environmental management
  • Management and conservation of natural resources
  • Economic valuation of environmental resources
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Application of Geographic Information Systems
  • Restoration and environmental recovery
  • Land-use planning and territorial management
  • Environmental audit
  • Environmental risk
  • Environmental impact

Optional training area

Optional courses are designed to deepen knowledge, skills and attitudes in a specific topic. It consists of a menu of courses that will be offered during the third and fourth semester of the Program. Students will choose with the support of their tutor the courses that deal with their professional interest, as well as the enhancement of their personal research project. The courses will be offered by academics from our university and / or other national and international institutes.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 2 diciembre, 2024 Responsable: Mtra. Idalia Lucero Rosas Contacto: ilucero@uv.mx