Universidad Veracruzana

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Research Profile Index

We offer a specialized look at higher education through Original Knowledge Generation and Application Lines; we hold an interdisciplinary approach to innovation. The research Lines are:

Institutional processes, education and social policies:

  • This line explores institutional change and innovation processes work in HEI, government and governance.
  • Educational and cultural policies that impact the work of higher education institutions are studied.
  • The origin and meaning of educational statistics at the national level.
  • Statistical information, sources and indicator systems

ICT and education:

  • The incorporation of ICT into educational processes.
  • Changes in teaching and research, learning and social interactions in the academic community; as well as technological infrastructure in educational establishments.
  • Innovation processes in methodology, didactics and educational policies through ICT.
  • •Social change from ICT, the study of digital knowledge, technological capital and technological appropriation of university students and professors.
  • Literacy studies where reading and writing are seen as social practices.

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Calle Paseo No. 112, Lote 12, Sección 2a, Villa Nueva, Nuevo Xalapa, 91097 Xalapa-Enríquez, Ver.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 23 enero, 2025 Responsable: Doctorado en Innovación en Educación Superior Contacto: deies@uv.mx