Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the website of the Master in Management and Exploitation of the Sugar Cane Agrosystems

The Master in Management and Exploitation of the Sugar Cane Agrosystems is part of the National Register of Quality Postgraduate CONACYT.

This program has as its purpose: To train human resources that contribute to the development of a competitive, diversified and sustainable sugar cane industry, capable of projecting, directing and executing programs of applied research, teaching and technological development of the crop, linked to the agroindustrial sector and environment.



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Peñuela Amatlán SN, Centro, 94945 Amatlán de los Reyes Veracruz, Ver., México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 20 febrero, 2024 Responsable: Fco. Josué Espíritu Sánchez Contacto: fespiritu@uv.mx