Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the official website of the Masters in Food Science (MCA). We aim to provide all our visitors with access to relevant information about our program and our services.


The MCA is designed for professionals with a bachelor’s degree in related fields such as Food Engineering, Industrial Food Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Chemist Biologist, Nutrition, Clinical Chemistry, etc., who wish to extend their research into food-related topics. MCA was established in 2002. It lasts two years in a full-time classroom format and requires the completion of a total of 100 credits.


Our program is part of the National Postgraduate System of the National Council for Science, Humanities, and Technology (CONAHCyT). This institution awards scholarships to applicants who meet the conditions and requirements set out in the call for applications, subject to the availability of funds.


We focus on training high-quality human resources in food research and development to address and solve problems in science, engineering, nutrition, and food safety. Students will have the opportunity to create research projects and propose technological innovations that respond to the needs of the agro-industrial sector.


In addition, this website will communicate with potential students, current students, graduates, teachers, and researchers from other educational institutions interested in our academic offerings.


We invite you to explore our website and send us your suggestions and comments so we can continue improving it.



Application areas and knowledge generation (LGAC):


Processing, physical properties, and stability of foods

The present research line is concerned with evaluating the relationship between foods’ physical and functional properties during the processing stage and under various storage conditions.



Functional and nutritional properties of bioactive compounds

This area of interest is devoted to the study of the extraction, purification, and structural characterization processes of bioactive compounds. It also evaluates the functional properties of foods and nutraceuticals, including their physical, chemical, and enzymatic modifications. It also includes the study of the functional properties of microorganisms and their applications in food products.



Food Storage and Preservation

This area investigates the physical and biochemical processes involved in the deterioration of traditional and native plant species, aiming to propose appropriate methods for preserving their physicochemical characteristics and bioactive compounds in both fresh and processed forms.



Dra. Luz Alicia Pascual Pineda
Coordinadora de la Maestría en Ciencias Alimentarias


Enlaces de pie de página


Dr. Castelazo Ayala, s/n Industrial Animas 91190 Xalapa-Enríquez, Ver., México

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Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 7 febrero, 2025 Responsable: Maestría en Ciencias Alimentarias Contacto: pcalimentarias@uv.mx