That the Master’s Degree in Human Resources, Labor and Organizational Management be a national and international reference in the professionalization of communication, leadership, development and management of human capital applied in an organizational environment, positioned as such within its area, with emphasis on the link with the economic and social sectors, which allows its insertion and permanence in the PNPC.
We are a Master in Human Resources Management, Labor and Organizations belonging to the Universidad Veracruzana, dedicated to the formation of professionals of high academic level, with a critical attitude, a broad development of self-learning capacity and with a deep responsibility and commitment to their environment to develop applied research work in the area of Human Resources within organizations. Satisfying the needs of the different sectors of the region and our country.
General Objective:
To train competent professionals in the Management of Human Resources, Labor, and Organizations. Training inspired by the professionalizing approach, which assumes that a good preparation implies the acquisition of both professional and research competences.
Specific objectives:
Develop managerial skills and competencies to lead the necessary changes within the Organization.
To take advantage of the options that technology offers in Human Resources management.
To promote teamwork.
To develop Human Resources consulting skills applicable to current problems.
To promote student and academic mobility.
To achieve the terminal efficiency of at least 80% of the generation, using strategies to follow up students during the second year. This follow-up will allow presenting the progress of the research work in the courses of Intervention I, II and III.
Obtain a university-industry linkage with at least six companies that allow for professional internships for the total number of participants in the master’s program.
To carry out at least one generational academic and/or professional internship for each of the students and an annual internship for one of the professors.
Ensure that the total number of intervention products made by the students respond to the needs required by the companies.