Universidad Veracruzana

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Knowledge Generation and Application Lines
The Faculty of Medicine – Veracruz has registered the Academic Body “Public Health and Health Administration” (registration document and work plan 2009–2010 (ANNEX 8) is attached, with two lines of knowledge generation and application:

Public health; Research projects related to the following topics are developed here
Ecology and health
Chronic – degenerative diseases
Communicable diseases
Mother-child binomial care
Sexually transmitted infections and HIV / AIDS
Health Administration; Research projects related to the following topics are developed here
Quality of care in the health system
Human Capital Development
Technological innovations in health systems
Health Finance
Through the work carried out in the lines of knowledge generation of this academic body, it is intended to achieve the integration of postgraduate studies with research, generating and developing research projects that impact on the solution of administrative problems of health institutions, thus projecting the Faculty as a regional leader.

Tenured teachers and associates are working on community projects and / or masters in health systems administration in the faculty.

In general, teacher profiles have the following academic degree:

2 doctoral candidates (in the process of qualification)
4 with master’s degree
4 with medical specialty degree (master’s approval)
At least 3 teachers qualify for the PROMEP profile
2 of the doctors with a medical specialty degree are about to enter master’s or doctoral studies.
This academic body that supports the Master in Health Administration and Systems received its registration as an academic body in consolidation, on November 14, 2013 with a validity of 3 years

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Fecha: 21 enero, 2025 Responsable: Mtra. Ana Isabel Castillo Alarcon Contacto: anacastillo@uv.mx