Universidad Veracruzana

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Foundation of the program


The master in architecture is a program with an orientation in research that generates knowledge, focus on consolidating the student for the research work and the innovative application of the knowledge. In this program, the student participates in research activities conducted by professors and tutors of the master, in accordance with the orientation and the academic topic that they choose:

  • Sustainable Habitat
  • Architectural and Urban Processes
  • Conceptual Innovation of the Urban Architectural Projec


Professional formation and social environment

Now days, it is relevant that the human resources formation, with effective capacities, increases the prevention and reduction of the impact that affect the population cores, related with the approach of the discipline problematics  and the search of solutions that increases the quality of life and the wellness of the inhabitants, in  harmonic environments.

Between 2000 and 2010, the national urban marginalization decrease, opposite of what happened in the south of the country. Now days, the 30% of the homes deal with financial limitations to buy a living place.

Today, every Mexican city characterizes for the existence of precarious settlements in the periphery and big housing ensembles far from the urban cores, that is why the inhabitants in poverty condition at the periphery spends 50% of their family incomes only in transportation, adding the fact that if it is introduced some infrastructure and services the precarious settlements increases 2 or 3 times in the city.

Another negative aspect for the society is related with the 51% of patrimonial poverty condition in the Mexican population, that represent 57.7 million of people in the nation. The majority of people with this patrimonial poverty is located in urban areas (32.1 million).

In the global urban competitive analysis realized by the ONU in 2011, Veracruz city is located in the 208-place compared with Monterrey city located in the place 137.

The condition of urban patrimonial poverty, in the majority of cities in the State, covers 5 metropolitan area being above the national average, that is of 47%.

In the Veracruz State, the poverty incomes population that do not satisfy the access of a place of living, infrastructure, transportation and urban quality of life are:

Acayucan with 60-65%, Córdoba-Orizaba with 50-55%, Minatitlán- Poza Rica with 50%, Coatzacoalcos with 45%, Xalapa with 40% and Veracruz with 30%.

All of these give us an idea of the status of marginalization of the urban environment, in which you can add the importance of research in the architecture area, and the roll in the conformation of the city where the conditions of habitability and quality of the place of living, the public space, the urban infrastructure and their relation with the social, Ambiental and economic environment, need new paths, and findings directed on innovative and adequate proposals form a sustainable urban develop.


Shaping students in the Master of Architecture with analytic mentality and prepared for generating and applicating knowledge, with interdisciplinary practice with capacity of problem resolutions in the habitability area and with an integral scope; with three application points: Habitability, principal element for the improvement of quality of life and population wellness. Social and Ambiental changes of the human settlement and the theory and critic of the space generation process and history.


The Master in Architecture will develop a study program of quality and excellence in knowledge application and generation, with regional pertinence, and national and international acknowledge, with a scholastic group of high level, and specialized educational spaces, of transcendence in the necessities solutions in the Veracruz State and all of the country.

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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 6 diciembre, 2024 Responsable: Dr. Pedro Martínez Olivarez Contacto: coordmarquitectura@uv.mx