Universidad Veracruzana

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Sustainable production of papel amate (bark paper)

PhD Citlalli López Binnquist


During 2009 and 2010, the Sustainable production ofpapel amateproject was carried out, with artisans, young students and owners of coffee plantations where the trees grow, from which the bark is obtained, which is used to produce the craft called papel amate, which It has its origins in the pre-Hispanic era. This project was carried out with researchers and students of the UAM Iztapalapa and CITRO-UV, as well as with promoters of the National Fund for the Promotion of Handicrafts FONART and the Institute of Handicrafts and Popular Industries of Puebla IAIP.



Características y usos de la madera de jonote en la carpintería (Trema micrantha) (2012)

López García, D., Quintanar-Isaías, A. y López Binnqüist, C.


Technical guide on the use of Trema micrantha wood for carpentry work, description of the physiology and morphology of wood.








Pete’i (2010)

López Binnqüist, C. (coord.)


General information about the amate paper in history and the collective brands of the people of San Pablito, Municipality of Pahuatlán, Puebla.






La importancia de los cafetales bajo sombra en Pahuatlán (2012)

Torres, M., Rebolledo Morales, A. y López Binnqüist, C. (coord.). Estudiantes del Bachillerato Xolotl del Municipio de Pahuatlán, Negreros Castillo, P. y Vázquez Reyes, C. (script)


Participatory video in which a group of students of the Xolotl highschool recognize, document and discuss the importance of coffee plantations under shade, in social, cultural, environmental and economic terms.

Watch here





Pete´i (2010)

López Binnqüist, C. (coord.). Torres, M. (ed.), Rebolledo Morales, A., Neyra González, L., Quiroga Cazares, L., Estudiantes del Bachillerato Diego Rivera, artesanos y curanderos de la comunidad de San Pablito, Pahuatlán (script)

Video in ñahñú. General information on amate paper in history and collective brands for the people of San Pablito, Municipality of Pahuatlán, Puebla. Watch here





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Fecha: 17 February, 2021 Responsable: CITRO Contacto: lilruiz@uv.mx