Universidad Veracruzana

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Academic Research Groups

In addition to the Lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge, the CITRO researchers are integrated into three different Academic Research Groups of the University of Veracruz. The articulation and consolidation from Academic Research Groups is promoted at the national level through the Program for Teacher’s Professional Development (PRODEP), which seeks to professionalize the Full Time Professors so that they reach the research- teaching capacities, technological development and innovation with social responsibility, to build a new academic community capable of transforming its environment.


Biological conservation

Person in charge: PhD. Juan Carlos López Acosta (CITRO)
Phone: (01-228) 8421700 x 12648
Email: carlolopez@uv.mx, jcarlos1975@yahoo.comLine of Generation and Application of Knowledge of the Academic Research Group: Biological Conservation


  • PhD. Ernesto Rodríguez Luna(CITRO)
  • PhD. Thorsten Krömer (CITRO)
  • PhD. María Cristina Mac Swiney González (CITRO)
  • PhD. Rebeca Alicia Menchaca García (CITRO)
  • PhD. Noé Velázquez Rosas (CITRO)
  • PhD. Odilón Sánchez Sánchez (CITRO)


  • Esp. Iliana Romero Vargas (CITRO)
  • Biol. Roberto Castro Cortés (CITRO)
  • M. Juana Cristina Zepeda Díaz (CITRO)
  • PhD. Sonia Sánchez López (FCBA-UV)

General objective: Develop and consolidate a group of avant-garde researchers, with a transdisciplinary vision of the challenges of biological conservation, which articulates the biological, social, and economic dimensions of man and his relationship with nature.

Our line of generation and application of knowledge is oriented to the following specific objectives:

  • Prevention of habitat degradation and extinction of species.
  • Reintroduction of populations.
  • Restoration of responsible and sustainable relationships between human populations and ecosystems.

Journal of the research group: Conservationem & Naturae

Management, use and conservation of plant and fungal resources


Person in charge: PhD. Yaqueline Antonia Gheno Heredia (FCBA-Córdoba)
Phone: (01-271) 7126452. Mobile: 2711147613
Email: ygheno@uv.mx

Line of Generation and Application of Knowledge of the Academic Research Group: Use and Protection of Plant and Fungal Resources.


  • PhD. Ana María del Pilar Navarro Rodríguez (FCBA-UV)
  • PhD. Martín Roberto Gámez Pastrana (FCBA-UV)
  • PhD. Leticia Margarita Cano Asseleih (CITRO-UV)
  • PhD. Yaqueline Antonia Gheno Heredia (FCBA-UV)


  • Héctor Oliva Rivera (FCBA-UV)
  • M. Norma Mora Collado (FCBA-UV)
  • M. Maralí Anaíd García Castillo (FCBA-UV)
  • Biol. Guillermo G. Noe Nava (FCBA-UV)
  • Dr. Carlos Galán Páez (FCBA-UV)

General objective: Contribute to the knowledge of the flora and vegetation of the central area of the state of Veracruz, establishing its uses and potential management.

Our line of generation and application of knowledge is oriented to the following specific objectives:

  • Develop ethnobiological research to document the uses of plant and fungal resources in the central zone of the state of Veracruz, in collaboration with groups that possess traditional knowledge based on participatory action-research methodologies.
  • Encourage the participation of undergraduate and graduate students to develop participatory action-research based on the development of interdisciplinary academic projects, allowing the joint direction of thesis at the graduate and undergraduate level and collective tutoring.
  • Contribute to local groups mainly of traditional doctors for the recovery and revaluation of ethnobotanical and ethnomicological knowledge with biotechnological potential, in collaboration with intercultural and social academic groups that possess traditional knowledge.
  • Plan the academic improvement, obtain the recognition of Desirable Profile and the incorporation of its members in the National System of Researchers (SNI), as well as the incorporation of new members.
  • Design and develop collective products recognized by PROMEP.
  • Link the Academic Research Group with other research groups, in collaborative networks and academic exchange of students and professors for academic stays, strengthening educational programs Academic Research Groups achieving a productive social impact of the academic activity.
  • To develop actions of collective academic management and integration for the permanence of the members and collaborators of the Academic Research Groups to define and redefine the line of generation and application of knowledge.


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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 17 February, 2021 Responsable: CITRO Contacto: lilruiz@uv.mx