Universidad Veracruzana

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The Coordination of the Master of Environmental Economics and Ecological puts the provision of applicants , students, ex students , and the general public the following communication channels:

By Telephone

If you would like advice by telephone regarding any of the issues mentioned , we invite you to contact us at tel . +52 (228) 8421700 , With atention schedule from 9:00 to 16:00 pm Monday to Friday in working days .

By postcard

You can write to the following address : Xalapa Ave, corner Manuel Ávila Camacho Ave, Obrero Campesina District , Xalapa – Veracruz, Mexico , Zip Code: 91020.

By e-mail

We put your disposal the following e-mail addresses :

Institutional: meae@uv.mx

Alternate : m.economia.ambiental.ecologica@gmail.com

Personalized advice

We invite you to visit our facilities at the Faculty of Economics located at Xalapa Ave, corner Manuel Ávila Camacho Ave, Obrero Campesina District , Xalapa – Veracruz, Mexico , Zip Code: 91020.

Enlaces de pie de página


Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

Redes sociales


Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 8 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en Economía Ambiental y Ecológica Contacto: meae@uv.mx