Universidad Veracruzana Inglés II Módulo 1

Módulo 1. Habits and health

Hello everyone! Welcome to this new adventure.

In the following module you will learn about eating and healthy habits. It is very important to read and learn all the contents. I invite you to explore and analyze this module. The objective of this module is to talk about eating habits and health.

Go ahead!

*Haz clic en el temario del módulo para revisar la información.

IMPORTANTE: A manera de autoevaluación, podrías realizar las actividades  del módulo antes de revisar los contenidos y poner a prueba tus conocimientos previos. Si todas tus respuestas son correctas, puedes hacer directamente las tasks. Si tus respuestas no son correctas, revisa a detalle los contenidos del módulo.   Quitar lo que hay y cambiarlo por la parte de abajo.

Task M1.1
Presentación en foro
Descripción de la tarea

Escribe un pequeño párrafo de 45-50 palabras donde te presentes con tus compañeros. Considera la información incluida en este módulo. Posteriormente, saluda a dos de tus compañeros.

Write a short paragraph (45-50 words) introducing yourself. Consider the information in the module. Then, say hello to two classmates.

Escribe un pequeño párrafo de 45-50 palabras donde te presentes con tus compañeros. Considera la información incluida en este módulo. Posteriormente, saluda a dos de tus compañeros.

Write a short paragraph (45-50 words) introducing yourself. Consider the information in the module. Then, say hello to two classmates.

Task M1.2
Tarea integradora del módulo 1
Descripción de la tarea

Entrevista y reporte

Diseña 5 preguntas abiertas utilizando los temas vistos en el módulo y entrevista a dos compañeros de este u otro grupo. Posteriormente redacta un reporte en forma de párrafo.

I. Write 5 information questions and interview two classmates.
II. Write a report about your classmates’ answers.

*Haz clic en cada pestaña para leer la información.

  • Recuerda escribir oraciones cortas y claras, revisa tu puntuación, así como usar la gramática y vocabulario vistos en el módulo.​
  • Guarda tu archivo utilizando la siguiente nomenclatura: TM1.2_PrimerNombrePrimerApellido.pdf​​
  • Sube tu archivo a la sección de Actividades de la plataforma educativa.​​
  • Considera los elementos contenidos en la Rúbrica.​​
  • Realiza la actividad dentro del periodo marcado en el calendario de actividades.

Toma en cuenta la información que te presenta la rúbrica de evaluación para el desarrollo de tu tarea (Task), entrega en tiempo y forma.

Rúbrica para calificar la Task TM1.2​
Criterios de evaluación 2.5
Contenido claro El alumno redacta ideas claras y precisas enfocadas en el tema. El alumno redacta en su mayoría, ideas claras y precisas enfocadas en el tema. El alumno redacta sólo algunas ideas claras y precisas enfocadas en el tema.
(utiliza correctamente la gramática vista en el módulo)
El alumno aplica correctamente la gramática vista en este módulo y en lecciones anteriores. El alumno aplica la gramática vista en este módulo y en lecciones anteriores, pero presenta algunos errores. El alumno aplica incorrectamente la gramática vista en este módulo y en lecciones anteriores.
(utiliza correctamente el vocabulario visto en el módulo)​
El alumno aplica correctamente el vocabulario visto en este módulo y en lecciones anteriores. El alumno aplica el vocabulario visto en este módulo y en lecciones anteriores, pero presenta algunos errores. El alumno aplica incorrectamente el vocabulario visto en este módulo y en lecciones anteriores.
Puntuación El alumno utiliza comas, puntos y comas adecuadamente, así como punto y seguido después de oraciones cortas y punto final. El alumno utiliza algunas comas, puntos y comas adecuadamente, así como punto y seguido después de oraciones cortas y punto final. El alumno no utiliza comas, puntos y comas adecuadamente, así como punto y seguido después de oraciones cortas y punto final.
1.1 Verb to be in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms​

Watch the following video and analyze the conversations.

It is important that you are sure you really know the use of the verb to be. That’s why in this module you are going to have a review of this topic.

*Haz clic en cada video para reproducirlos.

Interview 1

Consulta el script aquí

Interview 2

Consulta el script aquí

Interview 1

Consulta el script aquí

Interview 2

Consulta el script aquí

It’s vital that you take into consideration that you can use constractions forms or full form of the verb to be.

Simple present

Verb to be



I am
He is
She is
It is
You are
We are
They are





I am not
He is not
She is not
It is not
You are not
We are not
They are not


I'm not
He isn't
She isn't
It isn't
You aren´t
We aren´t
They aren´t


    Am I... ?  Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

    Is he... ?  Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

    Is she... ?  Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

    Is it... ?  Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

    Are we... ?  Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

    Are you... ?  Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.

    Are they... ?  Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.


I'm not a student.
Is your father an architect?
My classmates are inteligent.
Are your neighbors at home?

She is a Mexican student.
Are you single?
Vegetables are healthy.

Simple present

Verb to be



I am
He is
She is
It is
You are
We are
They are





I am not
He is not
She is not
It is not
You are not
We are not
They are not


I'm not
He isn't
She isn't
It isn't
You aren´t
We aren´t
They aren´t


    Am I... ?  Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

    Is he... ?  Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

    Is she... ?  Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

    Is it... ?  Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

    Are we... ?  Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

    Are you... ?  Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.

    Are they... ?  Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.


I'm not a student.
Is your father an architect?
My classmates are inteligent.
Are your neighbors at home?
She is a Mexican student.
Are you single?
Vegetables are healthy.

If you have any questions, check the following material.

Icono de descarga de programa de estudio BGRE80001 El verbo to be

Activity M1.1

*Choose the correct option.
*Elige la opción correcta.

What’s the correct option?

a) Your husband is/are so serious.​

b) Those widows isn’t/aren’t very big.

c) Is/Are your classmates in the classroom?

d) My best friend and I am/are in the living room.​

e) That shirt isn't/aren't expensive.​

Por favor, selecciona todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

What’s the correct option?

a) Your husband is/are so serious.​

b) Those widows isn’t/aren’t very big.

c) Is/Are your classmates in the classroom?

d) My best friend and I am/are in the living room.​

e) That shirt isn't/aren't expensive.​

Por favor, selecciona todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

Activity M1.2

*Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be.
*Lee el siguiente texto y llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo to be.

This is my family

Hello. I (1) Melisa and I live in Mexico City, but I (2) from here. My family and I (3) from a small town near Michoacán. This (4) my family. He (5) my brother and he (6) 10 years old. She (7) Julia, my sister. She (8) 17 years old. My sister and brother (9) tall but I (10) ; I am short. These (11) my parents. They (12) both 45 years old. We have a very nice pet. Her name (13) Spotty and we love her so much. What about you? (14) your family big or small?

Por favor, escribe todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

This is my family

Hello. I (1) Melisa and I live in Mexico City, but I (2) from here. My family and I (3) from a small town near Michoacán. This (4) my family. He (5) my brother and he (6) 10 years old. She (7) Julia, my sister. She (8) 17 years old. My sister and brother (9) tall but I (10) ; I am short. These (11) my parents. They (12) both 45 years old. We have a very nice pet. Her name (13) Spotty and we love her so much. What about you? (14) your family big or small?

Por favor, escribe todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

Recapitulación del tema​
En este tema, recordaste la utilización del verbo To be en sus tres formas: afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, en su forma extensa y corta.

1.2 Simple present in affirmative, negative and interrogative forms

When we talk about habits, we discover new cultures. Habits depend on our environment. When we talk about habits, we also show what some people in our community usually do.

In this lesson, you will remember how to talk about habits and routine.

Hablar de hábitos nos permite descubrir nuevas culturas. Los hábitos varían dependiendo de nuestro entorno. Al hablar de hábitos, también estamos hablando de algunas de las costumbres de nuestra comunidad, y/o nuestra familia. En esta lección recordarás cómo hablar de tus hábitos y rutinas.

*Listen and read about Sam’s day and find out about his life.
*Escucha y lee la historieta y descubre los hábitos de Sam.

He gets up at 7.

He goes running at 8.

He has breakfast at 9:30.

He works from 11 am - 7 pm.

He relaxes and reads a book.

He goes to bed at 11 pm.

  • What are your habits? What are some good habits you have?
  • Do you get up at 8 am? Do you have three meals a day? Do you sleep early?

*Haz clic en las flechas para leer la información.

*Haz clic en el botón para descargar la infografía.

Icono de descarga de programa de estudio BGRE80001 Simple present

Activity M1.3

*Read about Olivia and her family’s habits. Read the sentences and choose True  or False.
*Lee el texto sobre los hábitos de Olivia y su familia, y decide si las oraciones son verdaderas o falsas.

Hi! My name is Olivia. I am from England, but I live in Canada. My mother and father wake up at 6:30. Then, my mother makes breakfast, and my father goes jogging. I get up at 7:00. I brush my teeth and take a shower. After that, my parents and I have breakfast at 7:30. We usually have eggs and salad for breakfast. My parents drink coffee and I drink orange juice. At 8:00, my father goes to work, and I go to school. My mother does exercise from 8:00 to 9:00. At 2:30, my mother and I have lunch together at home, but my father has lunch at work. In the afternoons, I do my homework and then study English. At 6:00, my mother and I read for one hour in the living room. My father gets home at 7:00, so we have dinner at 7:30. We usually have vegetables for dinner. We watch TV from 8:00 to 9:00. I go to bed at 9:30 and my parents sleep at 10:00 pm.

Hi! My name is Olivia. I am from England, but I live in Canada. My mother and father wake up at 6:30. Then, my mother makes breakfast, and my father goes jogging. I get up at 7:00. I brush my teeth and take a shower. After that, my parents and I have breakfast at 7:30. We usually have eggs and salad for breakfast. My parents drink coffee and I drink orange juice. At 8:00, my father goes to work, and I go to school. My mother does exercise from 8:00 to 9:00. At 2:30, my mother and I have lunch together at home, but my father has lunch at work. In the afternoons, I do my homework and then study English. At 6:00, my mother and I read for one hour in the living room. My father gets home at 7:00, so we have dinner at 7:30. We usually have vegetables for dinner. We watch TV from 8:00 to 9:00. I go to bed at 9:30 and my parents sleep at 10:00 pm.



1. Olivia is Canadian.
2. Her parents wake up late.
3. Olivia’s father does exercise in the mornings.
4. Olivia doesn’t brush her teeth after she gets up.
5. Olivia's parents don’t drink orange juice for breakfast.
6. Olivia’s mother doesn’t do exercise in the mornings.
7. Olivia has lunch with her parents.
8. Olivia reads for an hour after she studies English.
9. Olivia and her parents have healthy food for dinner.
10. Olivia watches TV before she goes to bed. 

Por favor, selecciona todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

Activity M1.4

*Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb.
*Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo.​

1.    I (watch) TV in the afternoons.

2.    Anne (not cook) on Mondays.

3.    My brother (listen) to music in his bedroom.

4.    their mother (walk) the dog in the afternoons?

5.    My grandparents (wake up) at six in the morning.

6.    My family and I (not go) to the park on weekends.

7.    Ian and I (play) soccer in the evening?

8.    Susan and Marcos (not do) he housework on Sundays.​

9.    your baby sister (sleep) 12 hours?

10.    My best friend (not run) in the mornings.

11.    your father (check) social networks in the morning?

12.    My brothers (walk) Fluffy  in the mornings.

Por favor, escribe todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

Por favor, escribe todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

Recapitulación del tema​
En este tema, aprendiste que el presente simple: afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo sirve para expresar ideas sobre actividades cotidianas.

1.3 Adverbs of frequency

When we talk about habits or routines, we can use adverbs of frequency to show how often things happen.​

Cuando hablamos de hábitos o rutinas, podemos utilizar los adverbios de frecuencia para mostrar qué tan a menudo suceden algunas cosas.

En esta lección, veremos cómo expresar la frecuencia con la que realizamos ciertas acciones.

How often do you do activities you really enjoy? Brief reminder, doing activities you enjoy is necessary to have a healthy lifestyle.

¿Con qué frecuencia haces las actividades que te gustan? Recuerda que eso también forma parte de una vida saludable.

*Mark on the checklist your answers.
*Haz clic en el espacio según corresponda a tu estilo de vida.​

Do you have a healthy lifestyle?

¿Tienes una vida saludable?

Mark on the checklist your answers.
Always Often Sometimes Never
1. I do exercise.
2. I eat fruit and vegetable.
3. I drink eight glasses of water a day.
4. I smoke.
5. I wash my hands before I eat.
6. I go to bed early.
7. I am happy.
8. I go out with friends on weekends.
9. I spend time with my family.
10. I have three meals a day.

1. I do exercise.

2. I eat fruit and vegetable.

3. I drink eight glasses of water a day.

4. I smoke.

5. I wash my hands before I eat.

6. I go to bed early.

7. I am happy.

8. I go out with friends on weekends.

9. I spend time with my family.

10. I have three meals a day.

*Haz clic en cada recuadro para leer la información.​

Adverbs of frequency ​

Adverbs of frequency
Adverbios de frecuencia

Expresions of frequency
Expresiones de frecuencia

*Haz clic en el recuadro para leer la información.

You can check the following material:

Activity M1.5

*Unscramble the sentences.​
*Ordena las oraciones.

Recapitulación del tema​
En este tema, aprendiste que los adverbios de frecuencia te ayudan a determinar la regularidad con la que realizas alguna actividad.

1.4 Question words

Do you remember these words? What does each word refer to?
¿Recuerdas estas palabras? ¿A qué se refiere cada una? ​

For this second module it is vital that you do not have doubts about Wh-question words.
Para este segundo curso es importante que no tengas dudas acerca de las palabras interrogativas.

Do you remember these words? What does each word refer to?
¿Recuerdas estas palabras? ¿A qué se refiere cada una? ​

For this second module it is vital that you do not have doubts about Wh-question words.
Para este segundo curso es importante que no tengas dudas acerca de las palabras interrogativas.

Activity M1.6

*Match the questions with the answers.​
*Relaciona las preguntas con las respuestas.​

1. What kind of movies do you like?

2. How do you get to school?

3. What does your father do?

4. How old is your best friend?

5. Why are you happy?

6. Where are your neighbors from?

7. What are these?

8. How many bedrooms are there in your house?

9. What’s your favorite sport?

10. When do they go to the park?

I love cycling.

He is a sales executive.

Because I have a new cell phone.

I really love animated movies.

They are my erasers.

On the weekend.

I usually walk.

I think they’re from Toluca.

There are only two.

She's 22.

Por favor, escribe todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

1. What kind of movies do you like?

2. How do you get to school?

3. What does your father do?

4. How old is your best friend?

5. Why are you happy?

6. Where are your neighbors from?

7. What are these?

8. How many bedrooms are there in your house?

9. What’s your favorite sport?

10. When do they go to the park?

Por favor, elige todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.

Wh-questions words​

*Pasa el puntero sobre cada recuadro para conocer la información.​

*Haz clic sobre cada recuadro para conocer la información.​

You can check the following material.

Recapitulación del tema​
En este tema, repasaste las Wh-questions words, cada una de ellas te ayuda a solicitar información específica.

1.5 Countable and uncountable nouns

To use countable and uncountable nouns in English, it’s very important to consider that some food and drinks can be counted in Spanish but not in English. You have to use some containers (a cup of, a box of, a bag of, kilos, etc.). In this lesson, we will recycle the simple present tense and there is/there are to talk about eating habits. Do you have healthy eating habits?

En el caso de los sustantivos contables e incontables en inglés, es muy importante que tomes en cuenta que, algunos alimentos y bebidas que normalmente se puede contar en español, en inglés no es posible, a menos de que apliques algunos contenedores (tazas, cajas, bolsas, kilos, etc.). Para esta lección, reciclaremos algunos contenidos que has visto anteriormente como es el presente simple y there is and there are para hablar de hábitos alimenticios. Y tú, ¿tienes hábitos saludables?

How much soda do you drink a day?
Do you like salads?
How often do you eat fast food?

How much soda do you drink a day?
Do you like salads?
How often do you eat fast food?

One apple a day… keeps the doctor away​​

Do you know the saying “One apple a day keeps the doctor away”?   Is there a similar saying in Spanish?.
According to some doctors, you need to have a healthy balanced diet.

Look at the following presentation.

*Haz clic en las flechas para leer la información.

*Haz clic en cada pestaña para leer la información.

There are 5 different food groups:

  • Fruit and vegetables.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Protein.
  • Dairy foods.
  • Foods high in fat and sugar.

Eat food as in the plate.

  • All fruit and vegetables count, except potatoes.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat 5 portions of this group of food every day.
  • This group is good to protect us against diseases.
  • This group includes different types of bread, rice, pasta and noodles; potatoes and cereals.
  • Try to include most of this food group in every meal.
  • This group is good for energy.
  • This group includes milk, cheese and yogurt.
  • Eat 2-3 foods from this group a day. For example, a glass of milk, some yogurt and some cheese.
  • This group is important for healthy bones and teeth.
  • This group includes meat, for example beef, chicken, fish and alternatives as eggs and beans.
  • Eat two portions of fish a week.
  • This group is very important for our health.
  • This group includes food containing fat and sugar, for example cake and cookies, jam, soda and candy.
  • Eat very small portions a day.

*Haz clic en el botón para descargar el vocabulario.

Activity M1.7

*Now, observe the following pictures about food and drinks. Choose the correct option, consider if the nouns are countable or uncountable.
*Observa las imágenes de alimentos y bebidas. Selecciona la opción correcta si son contables (countable), es decir si se pueden contar de una o más piezas (y acepta tanto una forma singular como en plural), o incontables (uncountable), es decir que no se pueden contar y no aceptan una forma plural. Utiliza un diccionario si es necesario.




Por favor, selecciona todas las respuestas.

Revisa tus respuestas e inténtalo de nuevo.


A - An - Some - Any

A / An + singular countable nouns

A    + consonant sound
An + vowel sound

There is a bottle on the table.
There is an apple on the table.

Some / Any + plural countable nouns & uncountable nouns

   Affirmative    some     
   Negative         any          
   Questions*     any          

There is some cheese in the fridge.
There isn’t any cheese in the fridge.
Is there any cheese in the fridge?

a / an some some
a / an any any
a / an any any
1. offer
Would you like some... ? some some
2. ask for
Can I... some... ? some some
3. suggest
Why don’t we... some... ? some some

*Haz clic en el botón para descargar la información.

¿Quieres saber más sobre countable nouns/uncountable nouns? Consulta el siguiente enlace:

Recapitulación del tema​
En este tema, aprendiste a diferenciar y utilizar los sustantivos contables e incontables correctamente.​

Recapitulación del módulo
Como habrás notado, este módulo es muy amplio en vocabulario y requiere de más esfuerzo para aprenderlo. Asimismo, pudiste aprender sobre hábitos de vida saludable en la alimentación. También recordaste cómo expresar tu rutina diaria. Finalmente, aplicaste todos tus conocimientos en una entrevista y la redacción de un reporte. Ahora ya sabes hablar de hábitos alimenticios y de salud.