Universidad Veracruzana

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Research lines


Area of Study/Concentration




Gender and society To promote spaces for reflection, analysis and intervention strategies from a gender perspective on sociocultural problems related to gender inequality. Inequality, discrimination and violence between genders constitute a complex problem that we find in various social settings. Cultural practices and mechanisms reinforce these axes of differentiation, feeding unequal power relations. It is urgent to generate knowledge that dismantles inequality, injustice and subordination in various social, political, economic and cultural fields.

María Eugenia Guadarrama Olivera.

María del Rocío Ochoa García.

Benno George Álvaro de Keijzer Fokker.

Mayabel Ranero Castro.

Gladys Villegas Morales.

José Luis Falfán Hoyos.

Emma G. Bailey.

Estela Casados González.

Luz del Carmen Jiménez Portilla

Social intervention from a gender perspective To generate and apply knowledge that allows for the creation of intervention strategies from a gender perspective that promotes the elimination of inequality and discrimination between genders and to promote spaces for reflection, analysis and intervention strategies from a gender perspective, on sociocultural problems related to gender inequality. In order to address the problems generated by inequality, discrimination and violence suffered by both women and sexually diverse (LGBTQ+) populations, a framework of gender should be used that privileges human rights and includes international conventions and agreements, such as those signed by the Mexican government.


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Unidad Académica de Humanidades,
Edificio “E”, Primer piso,
Francisco Moreno Esq. Ezequiel Alatriste s/n
Col. Francisco Ferrer Guardia
C.P. 91020
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

Redes sociales


Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 24 octubre, 2024 Responsable: José Luis Falfán Hoyos Contacto: meg@uv.mx