Universidad Veracruzana

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The Master’s Degree in Nursing, grants the most cordial greetings.

To the Website, where there is relevant information of the Health Sciences Area at Postgraduate level.

The proposal of the Master in Nursing, seeks to articulate an integrating framework between the social development policies presented in: the National Development Plan (PND) and Health 2007–2012, and the State Development and Health Plan 2007– 2012, which provide support and are part of this project. It is also based on the guidelines for the curricular design of postgraduate educational programs, indicated by the General Directorate of Postgraduate Studies (DGP) of the Veracruzana University and of the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC).


The curricular design, is directed towards the training of teachers in nursing with a solid disciplinary training, which contribute to the solution of health problems from the scope of their competence, with the capacity to provide professional care, play specific roles related to the experiences of health of the person, family or community to which they provide care; with leadership in inter and multidisciplinary work; that act critically and develop interventions aimed at generating innovative practices, with quality and social solidarity.

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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 10 enero, 2025 Responsable: Maestría en Enfermería Contacto: lbotello@uv.mx