Universidad Veracruzana

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Research Profiles Index

The following lines are cultivated in the Master’s Degree in Nursing:


1. Quality of care and social welfare: (quality of life, occupational health, mental health, gender and reproductive health, maternal and child health, sexual, among others):


Nursing intervenes in an important way in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the person in the health-disease process, which is why the quality of the services he provides must be permanent and oriented towards measuring the impact of his actions.


Hence the importance of cultivating this line of research, where the objective is to improve the quality of the intervention provided by the nursing professional in both the hospital and community areas, so that through a reflective analysis of the professional work , user assistance is improved and some lifestyles of the population that have a significant impact on health conservation are met.


It will address topics such as chronic degenerative diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer), as well as behavioral disorders, mental health with an emphasis on addictions and occupational health, traditional medicine and alternative therapies. It is necessary to carry out adequate prevention actions and timely attention to sexuality and reproduction, recognizing that women and men are subjects who have rights in relation to their sexuality and reproductive capacity, under conditions of equity.


For its development, issues such as; Gender studies and socio-cultural elements that determine femininity and masculinity in different socio-historical environments. The use of family planning methods from a gender perspective, rights of men and women to receive health services, sexual health, social roles between men and women, gender inequality and social beliefs. It will also influence studies of the maternal and child population, adolescence and sexual health.



2. Education and training of human resources in nursing (health education, updating, administration):


The link between the educational model and the economy is an essential factor for the economic success of the countries. Education conceived as the fundamental right of man, is a way for individual and collective human overcoming, the most valuable resource for organizations is the human being, a key point for achieving objectives in the productive fields.


The training of human resources in health, emphatically for Nursing, must respond to the dynamics of social and professional requirements by promoting a holistic perspective of the human being and the care of their health at all stages of life. The administration promotes in Nursing a rational professional practice that gives credibility to the interdisciplinary team and the society to which it provides care.


This line of research includes topics related to human resources education and training, updating, professional training and nursing administration. Its goal is for nursing professionals to build and maintain disciplinary knowledge, as well as pedagogical and administrative approaches, using the theories and models of current discipline, research and intervention to ensure quality professional practice.

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C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 10 enero, 2025 Responsable: Maestría en Enfermería Contacto: lbotello@uv.mx