Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the website of the Master in Business Administration (MBA). Here you will find information about the application process and the stages to the admissions cycle, so like the MBA program and professor´s associates.

Students of MBA program will be prepared, to lead organizations from a multidisciplinary theory perspective with rigorous thinking and applied analytics the social responsibility, leadership, development and evaluation of business. The program have a deep coverage of the key managerial functions of business development. It allows the student, to choose courses according to their interest and to get so, the skills required for effective leadership.

This program was approved in the University Veracruzana Council held on December 14, 2016. This is the eighth Master’s curriculum in this field, since the creation of the Institute of Research and Higher Studies of Administrative Sciences (IIESCA).

Besides, this graduate program belongs to the National Quality Graduate Program (CONACYT), valid until June 2021. CONACyT scholarships are requested and processed through the Program Coordination and will be subject to CONACyT budget availability.

We invite you to take a tour of our page and send us your suggestions and comments to enrich it.


Coordinator of Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Dra. Yolanda Ramírez Vázquez

(228) 841.89.00 Extensión 13907


Fernando Velasco (228) 841.89.07 (afternoon)




Enlaces de pie de página


IIESCA, Universidad Veracruzana, Av. Dr. Luis Castelazo Ayala S/N, Col. Industrial Animas, 91190 Xalapa-Enríquez, Ver., México

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Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 30 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en Administración Contacto: madministracion@uv.mx