UV is home to Research Centers and Technology Laboratories in various fields with scientific, technological and cultural innovation in areas such as nanotechnology, neuroethology, public health, tropical research and, since its foundation, in fine and performing arts and humanities.
UV’s outstanding Anthropology Museum (MAX) houses over 25,000 masterpieces of Pre-Hispanic art from the Olmeca, Huasteca and Totonaca cultures.
Musical education and recreation is fostered in all its genres and UV is home to a variety of classical, popular and traditional musical groups.
The Symphony Orchestra (OSX) is the oldest in the country and has contributed to the creation of musical tradition in Mexico for over 80 years.
The university’s theater company (ORTEUV) and various other theater and dance groups contribute to the artistic education and recreation of the university community and general public: an International Jazz Festival and since 1994, an international university book fair.
La Universidad asume el compromiso con la sociedad a través de la Facultad de Danza UV, de recrear y fortalecer la tradición de la danza y sus formas contemporáneas universales, a través de su programa educativo, intensificando y restableciendo la suma dispersión de esta universalidad histórica y su manifestación local-regional. El deber social es trascender las formas populares y tradicionales a nuevas formas y contenidos dancísticos, que sin desdibujarse o perder sus expresiones originales, permitan reconfigurar las identidades culturales y los compromisos con nuestra sociedad.
UV’s Editorial House is renowned for early publications of Gabriel García Márquez (Nobel Prize, 1982), Octavio Paz (Nobel Prize, 1990), Luis Cernuda, José Revueltas, Juan Vicente Melo, and Sergio Pitol (Cervantes Prize, 2005), and its journals, “La Palabra y el Hombre” and “La Ciencia y el Hombre”. Recently, the University has created a translation collection by our most distinguished writer, called “Traductor Sergio Pitol” and a collection of classics called “Biblioteca del Universitario”.
To support university activities UV has a network of Library and Information Services Units (USBIs) in each of its five campuses and has a radio station and a television production house.
UV’s folkloric ballet provides a panorama of the dance and musical traditions in Mexico and Latin America through spectacular mosaics of scenery, choreography and costume.
Jarocho is a show produced by the University to pay tribute to the lively traditional music and dance from Veracruz, integrating flamenco, Afro-Cuban and contemporary aspects, featuring top Mexican designers, performers and musicians.
Sports are an integral part of students’ education at UV and students actively participate in national and international events.