Universidad Veracruzana

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Materiales Seleccionados Inglés III

Module 1

Topic 1:
Talk about past activities.
Talk about activities and habits in the past.

Topic 2:
Talking about personal past experiences.

Topic 3:
Comparing people, objects and cities.
Contrasting places and  objects through comparatives  equality
Expressing  how close or how far away a place is, and define time and distance
Identifying people

Module 2

Topic 4:
Talking about activities that happened in sequence
Talking about interrupted activities

Topic 5:
Talk about inventions and development of different  processes and works of art.

Topic 6:
Possible condition.
Real facts and posible condition

Module 3

Topic 7:
Expressing intentions, obligations, suggestions and advice
Future activities. Future with Present Continuous and Time expressions.

Topic 8:
Expressing likes and dislikes; agreeing or disagreeing.

Topic 9:
Asking for a favor or service.
Accepting  or denying  an application.
Making promises.


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Fecha: 19 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Centro de Autoacceso Coatzacoalcos Contacto: alcarranza@uv.mx