Universidad Veracruzana

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Productividad Académica

Productividad del Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Aplicada


  1. Flores-Aguilar, P.S.; Rico-Chávez, A.K.; Rodriguez-deLeón, E.; Aguirre-Becerra, H.; Zamora-Castro, S.A.; Soto-Zarazúa, G.M. Bioactive Compounds of Endemic Medicinal Plants (Cuphea) Cultured in Aquaponic Systems: A Short Study. Agriculture202313, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13102018
  2. Fernández Ramírez, L.E.; Zamora-Castro, S.A.; Sandoval-Herazo, L.C.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Salgado-Estrada, R.; De La Cruz-Dessavre, D.A. Technological Innovations in the Application of Constructed Wetlands: A Review. Processes202311, 3334. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11123334
  3. Flores-Aguilar, P.S.; Sánchez-Velázquez, J.; Aguirre-Becerra, H.; Peña-Herrejón, G.A.; Zamora-Castro, S.A.; Soto-Zarazúa, G.M. Can Aquaponics Be Utilized to Reach Zero Hunger at a Local Level? Sustainability 202416, 1130. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16031130
  4. Marín-Muñiz, J.L.; Zitácuaro-Contreras, I.; Ortega-Pineda, G.; López-Roldán, A.; Vidal-Álvarez, M.; Martínez-Aguilar, K.E.; Álvarez-Hernández, L.M.; Zamora-Castro, S. Phytoremediation Performance with Ornamental Plants in Monocultures and Polycultures Conditions Using Constructed Wetlands Technology. Plants202413, 1051. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13071051
  5. Ramírez-Vargas, J.R.; Zamora-Castro, S.A.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Sandoval-Herazo, L.C.; Salgado-Estrada, R.; Diaz-Vega, M.E. A Review of Sustainable Pavement Aggregates.  Sci.202414, 7113.https://doi.org/10.3390/app14167113
  6. Domínguez Capitaine, B.P.; Martínez López, A.G.; Tinoco Magaña, J.C.; Galicia Aguilar, G.; JRamírez Reyes, J.L “Electrochemical characterization of conversion coatings of phosphates plus nanostructured TiO2 over magnesium in a simulated body fluid”, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2023, 27,. 3091. org/10.1007/s10008-023-05663-y
  7. Tinoco, J.C., Hernandez, S.A., Garcia, R., Portillo-Velez, R.J., Martinez-Lopez, A.G. Impact of the series resistance on reverse current of solution-processed Schottky-Barrier-Diodes based on ZnO-rods. Res. Express 2023 5 045040. https://doi.org/ 10.1088/2631-8695/ad0522
  8. Caraveo-Cacep, G.E; Martínez-López, A.G.; Tinoco, J.C. Empirical Model for electrical power demand in Mexico, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024, 2699, 012006. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2699/1/012006
  9. Avalos-Grajales, J., MartinezLopez, A.G., Reyes-Gasga, J., Tinoco, J.C.Influence of PVP molecular weight on TiO2 structures prepared by the electrospinning and sol–gel method.J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 35, 1207 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-024-12967-w
  10. Zuñiga, J. Conde, J.C. Tinoco, C. Meza-Avendaño, A. Ashok, F. Ramírez-González, H. Vilchis. Analysis of optical and electrical properties in CZTSSe thin film solar cells through the 2d theoretical modeling. Materials Today Communications 39, 2024, 109124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.109124
  11. Marín-Urías, L.F.; García-Ramírez, P.J.; Domínguez-Mancera, B.; Hernández-Beltrán, A.; Vásquez-Santacruz, J.A.; Cervantes-Acosta, P.; Barrientos-Morales, M.; Portillo-Vélez, R.d.J. Bull Breeding Soundness Assessment Using Artificial Neural Network-Based Predictive Models. Agriculture202414, 67. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture14010067
  12. Vargas-Colorado, A.; Barradas-Hernández, J.E.; Carpio, F.; Márquez-Domínguez, S.; Salgado-Estrada, R.; Aguilar-Melendez, A. Effective Stiffness and Seismic Response Modification Models Recommended for Cantilever Circular Columns of RC Bridges, Second Part: Collapse Prevention Limit State. Buildings202313, 2423. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13102423
  13. Márquez-Domínguez, S.; Barradas-Hernández, J.E.; Carpio, F.; Vargas-Colorado, A.; Aguilar-Melendez, A.; Salgado-Estrada, R. Effective Stiffness and Seismic Response Modification Models Recommended for Cantilever Circular Columns of RC Bridges, First Part: Serviceability Limit State. Buildings202313, 2422. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13102422
  14. López-García, N., Zamora-Peredo, L., Martínez-Martínez, R., García-Velasco, A.C., López-Cuevas, J., Velázquez-Camilo, O., Guzman-Mendoza, J. Báez-Rodríguez, A.ZnO doped with lanthanide ions on stainless steel mesh by spray pyrolysis. MRS Advances 8, 1402–1407 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1557/s43580-023-00723-x
  15. Tejeda-del-Cueto, M.E.; Flores-Alfaro, M.A.; Toledo-Velázquez, M.; Santos-Cortes, L.d.C.; Hernández-Hernández, J.; Vigueras-Zúñiga, M.O. Airfoil Lift Coefficient Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm and IGP Parameterization: Volume 1. Aerospace202411, 44. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace11010044
  16. Vázquez-Santos, A.; Camacho-Zamora, N.; Hernández-Hernández, J.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Santos-Cortes, L.d.C.; Tejeda-del-Cueto, M.E. Numerical Analysis and Validation of an Optimized B-Series Marine Propeller Based on NSGA-II Constrained by Cavitation.  Mar. Sci. Eng.202412, 205. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12020205
  17. Valera-Medina, M.O. Vigueras-Zuniga, H. Shi, S. Mashruk, M. Alnajideen, A. Alnasif, J. Davies, Y. Wang, X. Zhu, W. Yang, Y.B. Cheng. Ammonia combustion in furnaces: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49, Part B, 2024, 1597-1618. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.10.241
  18. Toledo, J.P.; Martínez-Castillo, J.; Cardenas, D.; Delgado-Alvarado, E.; Vigueras-Zuñiga, M.O.; Herrera-May, A.L. Simplified Models to Assess the Mechanical Performance Parameters of Stents. Bioengineering202411, 583. https://doi.org/10.3390/bioengineering11060583
  19. Jimenez-Fernandez, V.M., Tlapa-Carrera, V.M., Vazquez-Leal, H.et al. Comparison of outline-based shape descriptors for alphanumeric characters by using piecewise linear functions: the case of vehicle license plates typeface. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 31641–31658 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-14976-z
  20. F. Jaramillo Alvarado, A. Torres Jacome, P. Rosales, G. Diaz Arango, and H. Vazquez Leal. Nonlinear effects and applications of AlN: A comprehensive physical formulation approach. Rev. Mex. Fís. 70,1, 011004 1. https://doi.org/10.31349/RevMexFis.70.011004
  21. Gonzalez-Lee, M.; Vazquez-Leal, H.; Garcia-Martinez, J.R.; Pale-Ramon, E.G.; Morales-Mendoza, L.J.; Nakano-Miyatake, M.; Perez-Meana, H. A New Class of Edge Filter Based on a Cross-correlation-like Equation Derived from Fractional Calculus Principles.  Sci.202414, 5428. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14135428
  22. Woo-García, R.M.; Pérez-Vista, J.M.; Sánchez-Vidal, A.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Osorio-de-la-Rosa, E.; Caballero-Briones, F.; López-Huerta, F. Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network for Environmental Measurements. Technologies 2024, 12, 41. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies12030041
  23. Argüelles-Lucho, P.; Woo-García, R.M.; García-González, L.; Pérez-Cuapio, R.; Hernández-Sebastian, N.; Herrera-May, A.L.; López-Huerta, F. Design of Acetaldehyde Gas Sensor Based on Piezoelectric Multilayer Microelectromechanical System Resonator. Micromachines202415, 962. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi15080962
  24. Qasim, F.; Ashraf, M.W.; Tayyaba, S.; Tariq, M.I.; Herrera-May, A.L. Simulation, Fabrication and Microfiltration Using Dual Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membrane. Membranes202313, 825. https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes13100825
  25. López-Cano, A.A.; Martínez-Aguilar, V.; Peña-Juárez, M.G.; López-Esparza, R.; Delgado-Alvarado, E.; Gutiérrez-Castañeda, E.J.; Del Angel-Monroy, M.; Pérez, E.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Gonzalez-Calderon, J.A. Chemically Modified Nanoparticles for Enhanced Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties with Cinnamon Essential Oil. Antioxidants202312, 2057. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox12122057
  26. Manzoor, S.; Qasim, F.; Ashraf, M.W.; Tayyaba, S.; Tariq, N.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Delgado-Alvarado, E. Simulation and Analysis of Anodized Aluminum Oxide Membrane Degradation. Sensors202323, 9792. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23249792
  27. Delgado-Alvarado, E.; Martínez-Castillo, J.; Morales-González, E.A.; González-Calderón, J.A.; Armendáriz-Alonso,E.F.; Rodríguez-Liñán, G.M.; López-Esparza, R.; Hernández-Hernández, J.; Elvira-Hernández, E.A.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Eco-friendly, compact, and cost-efficient triboelectric nanogenerator for renewable energy harvesting and smart motion sensing. Heliyon 2024, 10, e28482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28482
  28. Ernesto Alberto Elvira-Hernández, José Hernández-Hernández, Arxel de León, Carlos Gallardo-Vega, Enrique Delgado-Alvarado, Francisco López-Huerta, Agustín Leobardo Herrera-May. Green energy harvesting to power electronic devices using portable triboelectric nanogenerator based on waste corn husk and recycled polystyrene. Energy Reports 2024, 11, 276-286, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2023.11.059
  29. Villegas-Saucillo, J.J.; Diaz-Carmona, J.J.; Prado-Olivares, J.; López-Cornejo, M.S.; Elvira-Hernández, E.A.; Cerón-Álvarez, C.A.; Herrera-May, A.L. Inspection of Semi-Elliptical Defects in a Steel Pipe Using the Metal Magnetic Memory Method.  Sci.202414, 5308. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14125308
  30. Gómez-Espinoza, D.; Gonzalez-Calderon, J.A.; Rivera-Vázquez, R.; Aguirre-Mancilla, C.L.; Delgado-Alvarado, E.; Herrera-May, A.L.; Pérez-Pérez, M.C.I. Microencapsulation of Betalains Extracted from Garambullo (Myrtillocactus geometrizans) to Produce Active Chitosan–Polyvinyl Alcohol Films with Delayed Release of Bioactive Compounds. Antioxidants202413, 1031. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox13091031
  31. Enrique Delgado-Alvarado, Maximo A. Figueroa-Navarro, Jaime Martínez-Castillo, Leandro García-González, Ernesto A. Elvira-Hernández, Javier Vallejo-Montesinos, Tushar Janardan Pawar, José Luis Olivares-Romero, Agustín L. Herrera-May. Sustainable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective energy generation based on coffee grounds for self-powered devices and alarm systems. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical2024, 378, 115816, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2024.115816

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Fecha: 25 enero, 2025 Responsable: Julio César Tinoco Magaña Contacto: jutinoco@uv.mx