Universidad Veracruzana

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The students of the Master in Artificial Intelligence, from the beginning in the program have a tutor; The person in charge / coordinator of the program will assign each student a tutor, the above to ensure the permanence and successful completion of the master’s students. It is vitally important to monitor their progress and timely address the needs that arise throughout the studies, for this purpose at the beginning of each generation, each student is assigned a member of the academic staff as a tutor.

The job of the tutor is to guide the student throughout the first year of their studies. During the second year of the program, the responsibility of the tutor is retaken by the thesis supervisor, once the student has selected their thesis topic, this in agreement with the researcher who will assume this role. The maximum number of thesis consultancies that each researcher can attend is limited to four. Once the topic is decided, the relationship is formalized, the academic assuming the responsibility of Thesis Director. Whose task will be to direct the student in the development of his thesis.

Academic tutoring is part of the process of monitoring the student’s trajectory through personalized attention, their aptitudes, attitudes, area of ​​interest are identified, to provide the necessary orientation both for the elective courses to choose and to achieve a better performance academic. For this reason, three tutoring sessions have been scheduled during the semester, in each one the academic situation and interests of the student are recorded and the corresponding recommendations are issued.

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