Universidad Veracruzana

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Welcome to the master’s program in Agricultural Development has been instituted, in response to the need to provide solutions in the sector through multi-interdisciplinary proposals, based on the analysis of complex systems. The objective of the program is for students to acquire skills that favor the integration, development and construction of knowledge, which allow them to formulate and apply development proposals that impact the professional agricultural field, as well as participate in work groups that contribute to the progress of the sector, at the local, regional, national and international level. This process will be carried out with the support of the team of teachers (eleven Full Time Teachers) in charge of imparting the various educational experiences of the study plan, as well as invited professors who are experts in the discipline.

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Carretera Costera del Golfo Km 220,
Col. Agrícola Michapa
CP. 96100

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Última actualización

Fecha: 27 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en Desarrollo Agropecuario Contacto: kruiz@uv.mx