Gasificación Artículos Relacionados

Articulos Relacionados con los Gasificadores.


Benchmarking Biomass Gasification Technologies for
Fuels, Chemicals and Hydrogen Production

Gasification derived syngas differs from natural gas in terms of calorific value, composition, flammability characteristics, and contaminants. Oxygen-blown, entrained flow IGCC plants typically produce syngas with a heating value range of 250 to 400 Btu/ft3 (HHV basis), which is much lower than the 1,000 Btu/ft3 commonly associated with natural gas. The combustor requires a specified heat input to maintain performance, so a significantly higher flow rate is required for syngas than natural gas for a similar gas turbine. Also, natural gas consists mainly of methane (CH4), whereas syngas consists mainly of CO and hydrogen (H2). The H2composition of the syngas results in a higher flame speed and broader flammability limits, meaning the syngas produces a stable flame at leaner conditions than natural gas and the combustion speed is much quicker than natural gas. This more rapid combustion speed limits the use of conventional natural gas combustor nitrogen oxide (NOX) control. Another complication is the relatively high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in syngas compared to natural gas.


Syngas Optimization

Raw syngas produced from gasification must be cleaned and conditioned, the requirements of which are highly dependent on the syngas’ final application.


Power (IGCC)
Syngas for use in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) applications must be free of contaminants such as particulates and trace metals which could cause damage to the gas turbine. The ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide (CO) is not as important as in other applications which use syngas derived from gasification, if the turbine has been designed to handle increased hydrogen content, as discussed below. Also, a high hydrocarbon content, makes the syngas as similar as possible to natural gas, which is ideal.


Gasification derived syngas differs from natural gas in terms of calorific value, composition, flammability characteristics, and contaminants. Oxygen-blown, entrained flow IGCC plants typically produce syngas with a heating value range of 250 to 400 Btu/ft3 (HHV basis), which is much lower than the 1,000 Btu/ft3 commonly associated with natural gas. The combustor requires a specified heat input to maintain performance, so a significantly higher flow rate is required for syngas than natural gas for a similar gas turbine. Also, natural gas consists mainly of methane (CH4), whereas syngas consists mainly of CO and hydrogen (H2). The H2composition of the syngas results in a higher flame speed and broader flammability limits, meaning the syngas produces a stable flame at leaner conditions than natural gas and the combustion speed is much quicker than natural gas. This more rapid combustion speed limits the use of conventional natural gas combustor nitrogen oxide (NOX) control. Another complication is the relatively high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in syngas compared to natural gas.


A la hora de decidir la compra de una estufa, chimenea o parrilla es importante saber qué tipos de combustibles
se pueden emplear en ellas, cuáles son los idóneos para mejorar el rendimiento de la instalación, y por supuesto,
contar con un suministro asegurado durante el periodo de uso.
Dependiendo de la especie de árbol de que se trate, su comportamiento energético será diferente, ya que esto
condiciona las características de densidad, poder calorífico, entre otras.
El poder calorífico inferior de la leña oscila entre las 3.000 – 4.000 kcal/kg dependiendo de la especie que se trate
y sobre todo la humedad que contenga.
25-33 cm es la ideal para chimeneas y estufas, mientras que la mayor es utilizada principalmente para grandes
estufas como calefacciones centrales y hornos. El mínimo diámetro debe ser de 4 cm, mientras que el máximo debe
rondar por los 10-15cm.
Lo correcto es tener la madera en un almacén bien aireado, o en su defecto, puede estar al aire libre siempre que
acondicione un techado para evitar que el agua de lluvia caiga directamente. Con respecto al tiempo que debe
transcurrir entre la corta de la leña y su utilización es, como mínimo de 6 meses a un año en la que la humedad
sería del 33% y ardería adecuadamente, pero el periodo óptimo es de dos años, en el que la humedad sería inferior
al 25%, aunque este caso se dé en muy pocas ocasiones.





The objective of this team is to investigate the current state of the art for the conversion

of biomass to mixed alcohol to determine economics and efficiency of the gasification process.