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Dispersions of Charged Particles, University of Veracruz, march 30-31, 2023

Dispersions of Charged Particles (DCP), including electrolytes, charge-stabilized colloids, and macromolecular solutions, are paramount for many areas of science and technology.

On May 1, 2023, it will be 100 years since the publication of the first theoretical work about non-ideality effects in the thermodynamic properties of electrolyte solutions [Zur theorie der Elektrolyte, P. Debye and E. Hueckel, 1923.]


The Faculty of Physics at the University of Veracruz (UV) is organizing the international meeting

“Dispersions of charged particles: A century of theoretical development”

to gather a group of renowned researchers that will share and discuss their works and perspectives on the study of DCP.


We will dedicate the event to honoring the scientific careers of Professors Gerhard Naegele and Jan K.G. Dhont, considering their support to advancing The Mexican Soft Matter Science Community. This event is also part of a series occurring this winter-spring season that celebrates 40 Years of German – Mexican Partnership in Soft Condensed Matter.

Date:  March 30-31. 

On-site venue:

USBI-Xalapa video conference room,

Culturas Veracruzanas 1, Campus for Culture, Arts, and Sports (CAD-UV),

91060 Xalapa-Enriquez, Veracruz, Mexico.

For directions: https://goo.gl/maps/3MEYNVwTK9841bT18

Virtual venue:
The Videoconference Department of UV will stream the event online



Whether you are attending online or in person, please fill out this form: 


The event will be free of charge, and attendees visiting us from other parts of the country must book their hotel rooms independently.  

Following this link, you can find a list of suggested hotels: 


At the moment of your booking, please mention that you will participate in a conference organized by Facultad de Física de la UV.


Local Organizers 

Claudio Contreras Aburto  (Chairman)

Adrian Arturo Huerta Hernández

Norma Bagatella Flores

Miguel Angel Cruz Becerra


External Organizers:

Ramón Castañeda Priego, UGTO.­

Magdaleno Medina Noyola, UASLP




Thursday 30

Friday 31





Round Table


R. Castañeda Priego


Round Table


R.H.H.G. van Roij*


H. Löwen*






O. Alarcón Waess


G. Nägele


J.M. Méndez Alcaraz*


A.R. Denton*






M. Medina Noyola



Hands on workshop by
J.M. Falcón González**



J.L. Arauz Lara





J.K.G. Dhont



J.J. Elisea Espinoza





* Virtual speaker

** It will be an introductory hands-on workshop directed to second-year students. It will take place in the computing center of the Physics Faculty UV.  

Detailed program


Thursday 30




Inauguration program:

1.  Presentation of the presidium

2.  Welcome message by Claudio Contreras Aburto

3.  Message from the University of Veracruz Rector

4.  Official inauguration by the rector of the University of Veracruz






Round Table: 

«Achievements and perspectives in the German-Mexican collaborations on Soft Matter Physics: The last 40 years and the future.»


1.  Mario Oliva Suárez, General Director of International Relations UV

2.  Ángel Antonio Fernández Montiel, Coordinator of Academic collaborations UV

3.  DAAD Collaborator

4.  Hartmut Loewen, Chair of the Institute of Theoretical Physics II, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

5. Jan K.G. Dhont, Former Director of the Section Bio macromolecular Systems and Processes (IBI-4) of the Institute of Biological Information Processing, Research Center Juelich

6.  Gerhard Naegele, Professor at the Institute of Biological Information Processing, Research Center Juelich

7.  Ramón Castañeda Priego, Full Professor, Director of the Physics Engineering Department at the University of Guanajuato



1.  Panel members presentation

2.  Brief presentation of each panelist

3.  Development of the discussion based on prepared and directed questions

4.  Questions from the public

5.  Concluding remarks










Lecture by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen*:


“Charged colloidal suspensions: 100 years after Debye-Hückel”





Lecture by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Nägele:


“Deswelling, structure, and dynamics of ionic microgel suspensions


Conductivity of asymmetric electrolyte solutions”



Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alan Denton*:


“Modeling Particle Dispersions: From Charged Colloids to Ionic Microgels”











Hands on workshop by
José M. Falcón González:


“Molecular simulation of dispersions of charged particles” 

at the Computing Center of the Faculty of Physics, UV

Lecture by Prof. Dr. José L.
Arauz Lara:


“Structure and Brownian motion of colloidal species on an out of thermal  equilibrium curved oil/water interface”



Lecture by Dr.(C) Jonathan J. Elisea Espinoza:


Theoretical description of the spherical and the planar electrical double layer for a mixture of n ionic species with arbitrary size- and charge-asymmetry

* Virtual speaker




Friday 31


Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ramón Castañeda Priego:


Thermodynamics, effective interactions, structure, and transport properties of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions



Lecture by Prof. Dr. René H.H.G. van Roij*:







Lecture by Prof. Dr. Olegario Alarcón Waess:


“Beyond of dispersions of charged particles: A theoretical approach for non-spherical particles is proposed.”



Lecture by José M. Méndez Alcaraz*:







Lecture by Magdaleno Medina Noyola:


“Aging of the linear viscoelasticity of glasses and gels”



Lecture by Jan K.G. Dhont:


“Single-Particle Thermophoresis


Electric-Field Induced Phases/States”




* Virtual speaker






Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen

Institute for Theoretical Physics II

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany


Charged colloidal suspensions: 100 years after Debye-Hückel


Abstract: 100 years after the development of the linear screening theory by Debye and Hückel the research on highly charged colloidal dispersions is still ongoing [1] and reveals some results which are not expected within the linear Debye-Hückel or the size-correction extended Dejaguin-Verwey-Landau-Overbeek theory. In my talk I shall treat two novel aspects of charged suspensions: First, recent computer simulations [2] have shown that mixtures of charged und neutral colloids exhibit phase separation which is not described within the effective Yukawa picture of linear screening. Second, we address breathing charged colloids for which the diameter changes harmonically as a function of time. This is a non-equilibrium problem for colloidal dynamics generalizing the dynamics of colloids from equilibrium to non-equilibrium. These breathing colloids can be considered as active particles [3]. They form two-dimensional crystals at the air-water interface and the breathing process is induced by acoustic surface waves. It is shown by experiment and simulation [3] that breathing is able to annihilate crystalline defects significantly which establishes a new concept of ACDC (Acoustic Crystallization of two-Dimensional Colloidal crystals).



[1] G. Nägele, Physics Reports 272, 215 (1996).

[2] E. Allahyarov, H. Löwen, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 164902 (2022).

[3] C. Bechinger, R. di Leonardo, H. Löwen, C. Reichhardt, G. Volpe, G. Volpe, Reviews of Modern Physics 88, 045006 (2016).

[4] J. K. G. Dhont, An Introduction to Dynamics of Colloids, Elsevier, 1996.

[5] J. Menath, R. Mohammadi, J. C. Grauer, C. Deters, M. Böhm, B. Liebchen, H. Löwen, N. Vogel, Advanced Materials, 2022, 2206593 (2022).



Prof. Dr. Gerhard Nägele

Research Centre Jülich

Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße D-52428 Jülich, Germany


Deswelling, structure, and dynamics of ionic microgel suspensions


Conductivity of asymmetric electrolyte solutions

Gerhard Nägele1, Alan R. Denton2, Mariano E. Brito3 and Claudio Contreras – Aburto4

1Institute of Biological
Information Processing, IBI-4, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

2Department of Physics,
North Dakota State University, Fargo, U.S.A.

3Institute for
Computational Physics, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

4Facultad de Fisica, Universidad Veracruzana,
Xalapa, Mexico

Abstract: Ionic microgels are solvent- and ion containing cross-linked polyelectrolyte networks of colloidal size. Suspensions of ionic microgels are both of fundamental and technological interest, owing to the sensitivity of their size to external control parameters such as concentration, ionic strength, and temperature. In the first part of the presentation, we report on a theoretical study of crowding effects on thermodynamic, structural, and dynamic properties of concentrated suspensions of ionic microgels [1]. Methods for calculating the crowding-dependent microgel radius are discussed and used for the calculations of an effective microgel pair potential from which the suspension properties are determined. It is shown that under low-salinity conditions, counterion-induced microgel deswelling enlarges diffusion and osmotic pressure, lowers the suspension viscosity, and significantly shifts suspension crystallization to larger concentrations. For high salinity conditions, we explore how microstructure and diffusion of microgels are affected by their elasticity and (dynamic) solvent permeability.


In the second part, we describe a versatile theory for calculating dynamic properties of concentrated electrolyte solutions [2]. The theory accounts for solvent-mediated hydrodynamic interactions among the
dissolved ions, and allows for quantitative predictions of electrolyte conductance, diffusion properties and viscosity. At low concentrations, it reduces to the celebrated Debye-Hückel-Onsager-Fuoss limiting law results for strong electrolytes. We discuss in particular a recent extension of the theory to the conductance of size- and charge-asymmetric binary electrolytes [3].


[1] M.E. Brito, A.R. Denton and G. Nägele, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 224901 (2019)

[2] C. Contreras-Aburto and G. Nägele, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 134110 (2013)

[3] F. Perez-Hernandez, G. Nägele and C. Contreras-Aburto, work in progress (2023)



Dr. José Luis Arauz Lara

Institute of Physics

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

78290 San Luis Potosí, SLP, México.



Structure and Brownian motion of colloidal species on an out of thermal  equilibrium curved oil/water interface


José Luis Arauz-Lara and Maria de Jesus Martinez-Lopez

Instituto de Física, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí



Abstract: We investigate the spontaneous formation of water droplets and their motion at a spherical interface between water and oil.  When water is put in contact with oil containing hydrophobic surfactants, water is spontaneously emulsified in the form of little droplets into the oil phase but remaining attached to the interface.  The droplets, originally of submicron size, keep growing at the expense of the original water reservoir, to reach several microns in size, while at the same time they are able to move randomly along the interface.
Since the interface is curved, the action of gravity makes the droplets sediment towards the bottom, where they form an ordered structure. We trace the particles motion and determine the size of the droplets, the mean squared displacement and sedimentation velocity at various stages of development. Although the dynamic nature of the process, with both the interface and particles still changing, producing heterogeneities in the system, we do not observe anomalous diffusion, the motion of the droplets has a well identified Brownian component with a Gaussian distribution of steps due to the thermal agitation of the media surrounding the droplets and a drift component due to the effect of gravity.



Prof. Dr. Alan R. Denton

Department of Physics

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND 58108-6050, U.S.A.


Modeling Particle Dispersions: From Charged Colloids to Ionic Microgels


Abstract: Colloidal dispersions have inspired fascination since the invention of microscopes and were fundamental in establishing the atomic nature of matter. Ranging from nanometers to microns in size, colloidal particles also vary in softness, from rigid microspheres to flexible polymer coils. The landmark Debye-Hückel theory of electrolytes, which introduced the concept of electrostatic screening, opened a window on our understanding of charge-stabilized colloids. Hard colloids can acquire charge in solution via surface dissociation of counterions. Microgels are soft and permeable colloidal particles, made of crosslinked polymer networks, that can ionize and swell in a good solvent [1, 2]. Sensitive responses to external fields and changes in environment give colloidal dispersions unique thermal, mechanical, and optical properties, enabling many applications in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, food, and consumer care industries. In this lecture, I will summarize our recent efforts to describe dispersions of charged colloids and ionic microgels within coarse-grained models that combine the dual colloidal and polymeric natures of the particles. After outlining practical implementations via Poisson-Boltzmann theory and molecular simulations, I will present illustrative results for equilibrium thermal and structural properties of these remarkable soft materials. 

[1] M. E. Brito, A. R. Denton, and G. Nägele, «Modeling deswelling, thermodynamics, structure, and dynamics in ionic microgel suspensions,» J. Chem. Phys. 151, 224901 (2019).

[2] P. S. Mohanty, S. Nöjd, M. J. Bergman, G. Nägele, S. Arrese-Igor, A. Alegria, R. Roa, P. Schurtenberger, and J. K. G. Dhont, “Dielectric spectroscopy of ionic microgel suspensions,” Soft Matter 12, 9705 (2016).



Dr. Ramón Castañeda Priego

Science and Engineering Division Campus León

University of Guanajuato

37150 León, Guanajuato, México


Thermodynamics, effective interactions, structure, and transport
properties of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions



Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss on our scientific contributions of the last couple of decades to understand some of the most salient features of charge-stabilized colloidal dispersions. By combining experimental evidence with mean-field approximations, mainly based on the Poisson-Boltzmann description, and more demanding computer simulations, we will describe some thermodynamic, structural, and transport properties of charged colloids. We will also discuss the role of the effective charge to account for the interactions between colloids. Finally, we will point out some of the fruitful discussions with Gerhard Nägele on this contribution.



Prof. Dr. R.H.H.G. van Roij

Institute for Theoretical Physics

Utrecht University

3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands






Dr. Olegario Alarcón Waess

Department of Actuary, Physics, and Mathematics

Universidad de las Américas Puebla

72810 Cholula, Puebla, México


Beyond of dispersions of charged particles: A theoretical approach for non-spherical particles is proposed.


Abstract: Using the ideas involved in the well-known Debye-Hückel theory for spherical charged colloidal particles, a model for the projections of the pair-interaction potential for long and thin hard rods are developed. The self and collective diffusion coefficients, translational and rotational, are expressed in terms of these projections, with the use of the mode coupling theory up to lineal order in density. Under well-defined approaches the weak coupling limit of the diffusion coefficients are recovered.


Dr. José Miguel Méndez Alcaraz

Physics Departement

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the

National Polytechnic Institute O7360 CDMX, México





 Jonathan Josué Elisea-Espinoza

Science Faculty

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

78290 San Luis Potosí, SLP, México.


Theoretical description of the spherical and the planar electrical double layer for a mixture of n ionic species with arbitrary size- and charge-asymmetry.

Jonathan Josué Elisea-Espinozaa), Enrique González-Tovara), and Guillermo Iván
Guerrero-Garcia b)

a) Instituto de Física de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Alvaro Obregón 64,

78000 San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México.
b) Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Av. Chapultepec
1570, Privadas del Pedregal, 78295 San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México.


Abstract: Coulombic fluids can be found in nature in a wide variety of forms, for instance, as aqueous electrolytes supporting charged biomolecules, such as the DNA or lipid bilayers, macroion/nanoparticle solutions, ionic liquids, molten salts, or plasmas, just to mention a few. In this talk, we would like to present a theoretical description of the ionic profiles of a mixture of n species of spherical charged particles dissolved in implicit solvent, with arbitrary size- and charge-asymmetry, bathing either a spherical macroion or an infinite planar electrode. This theoretical formalism is numerically solved via the robust finite element method and aims to close the gap between the nano- and the micro-scale in macroion solutions, taking into account ion correlations and ionic excluded volume effects consistently. When these last two features of Coulombic fluids are neglected, the classical non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann theory for n ionic species– with different ionic closest approach distances to the colloidal surface–is recovered as a limit case. The present theoretical finite element approach is general, fast, easily scalable, and allow us to observe interesting phenomena such as the surface charge amplification, charge inversion, and charge reversal in mixtures of colloidal solutions either in bulk or under the influence of an electric field produced by an infinite planar electrode.



Dr. Magdaleno Medina Noyola

Institute of Physics

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

78290 San Luis Potosí, SLP, México.


Aging of the linear viscoelasticity of glasses and gels


Orlando Joaquín-Jaime, Ricardo Peredo-Ortiz, Magdaleno

Instituto de Física, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí

Luis Fernando Elizondo-Aguilera

Instituto de Física, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Leticia López-Flores

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern



Abstract: In this talk, we announce the proposal of the first and only first-principles statistical-mechanical theory of the non-equilibrium aging processes of the linear viscoelasticity of glass- and gel-forming liquids after a sudden cooling or compression. This theory is based on a non-equilibrium mode-coupling-like approximate expression for the shear stress relaxation function η(τ;t), in terms of the structure factor S(k;t) and of the intermediate scattering function F(k,τ;t) (where t is the waiting time after cooling/compression). The non-equilibrium properties S(k;t) and F(k,τ;t), on the other hand, are provided by our theory of irreversible processes in liquids, referred to as NE-SCGLE. As an illustrative exercise, the resulting methodology is applied to simple models (soft spheres, square well, etc.) subjected to instantaneous cooling, exhibiting a remarkable agreement with available experimental results.



Prof. Dr. Jan Karel George Dhont

Research Centre Jülich

Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße D- 52428 Jülich, Germany


Single-Particle Thermophoresis


Electric-Field Induced Phases/States


Abstract: In the first part of this presentation, I will discuss colloidal mass transport induced by temperature gradients (commonly referred to as thermophoresis) resulting from the electric double layer of charged spherical colloids. There are three contributions to the thermophoresis of charged colloids. The temperature dependence of the internal energy of the electric double layer leads to migration from high to low temperatures. The temperature-gradient induced asymmetry of the double layer gives rise to an electrostatic force onto the surface charges of the colloid. Finally, the asymmetry of the double layer leads to an electro osmotic flow, that acts with a friction force onto the core of the colloid. All three contributions will be discussed, and the theoretical results will be compared to experiments.

In the second part, the phases and dynamical states that are induced by external electric fields in a system of very long and thin and highly charged rod-like colloids will be discussed. The experimental phase/state diagram, for a concentration within the two-phase isotropic-nematic coexistence region, will be presented.
Depending on the electric field strength and the frequency, several phase/state-transitions are induced: a transition from nematic to chiral nematic, from a nematic to a homeotropic state, and a transition to a dynamical state where nematic domains persistently melt and reform. An explanation of these phenomena is presented, both on an intuitive level and based on the Smoluchowski equation, which is an equation of motion for the probability density function for the positions and orientations of the rods.




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