Universidad Veracruzana

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Researchers full – time

Name Academic training Professional experience
Dr. José Luis Ramírez Reyes Doctorate in Corrosion Science and Engineering, Corrosion & Protection Center, Manchester University, United Kingdom. Full-time researcher, senior academic «C», attached to the Engineering Institute of the University of Veracruz, Veracruz Región, Mocambo campus.
Dr. Ricardo Galván Martínez Doctorate in Chemical Engineering, Materials Area, Corrosion Specialty. Faculty of Chemistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Full-time researcher, senior academic «C», attached to the Engineering Institute of the University of Veracruz, Veracruz Región, Mocambo campus from August / 2005 to date.
Dr. Ricardo Orozco Cruz Doctorate in Engineering (Materials-Corrosion). Faculty of Chemistry. National Autonomous University of Mexico. Full-time academic researcher with a degree «C», assigned to the Engineering Institute of the University of  Veracruz, Veracruz Región, Mocambo campus From August / 2005 to date.
Dr. Pedro J. García Ramírez Doctorate of Science in Electronics, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), Puebla, Mexico. Full-time academic researcher with a degree «C», assigned to the Engineering Institute of the University of Veracruz, Veracruz Region, Mocambo campus.
Dr. Gonzalo Galicia Aguilar. Ph.D in Electrochemistry, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) (Noviembre 2002 a julio 2006), Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimiques (LISE) Paris, France. Full-time academic researcher with a degree «C», assigned to the Engineering Institute of the University of Veracruz, Veracruz región, Mocambo campus.
Dr. Alejandro Vargas Colorado. Doctorate in Structural Engineering from the Universidad Veracruzana Full-time academic researcher with a degree «C», assigned to the Engineering Institute of the University of Veracruz, Veracruz Región, Mocambo campus.
Dr. Miguel Angel Hernández Pérez Doctorate in Electronics and Communications with specialization in the area of control, National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), 2015. Full-time Researcher Academic Career Holder «C», assigned to the  Engineering Institute of the University of Veracruz, Veracruz Region, 2017 to date.
Dr. Edgar Mejía Sánchez Doctorate in Engineering and Applied Sciences (Materials Technology: Corrosion) Research Center
in Engineering and Applied Sciences CIICAp, UAEM. Cuernavaca, Morelos. Professional ID: 6924602
Full-time Professor “C”, Assigned to the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Veracruzana,
Region: Córdoba-Orizaba, from August 17, 2009 to date.

Lines of research and application of knowledge

I. Corrosion Mechanisms
Objective Responsible Collaborators
To study the different ways in which Corrosion damage is presented, as well as the effect of the different operating parameters (temperature, pressure, flow conditions, loading conditions), of the Industrial Plants of various sectors of the Country, with special emphasis on the Petroleum, Petrochemical, Nuclear, Naval, Port and Chemical sectors Dr. Ricardo Galván Martínez

Dr. José Luis Ramírez Reyes.

Dr. Ricardo Orozco Cruz.

Dr. Gonzalo Galicia Aguilar.


II. Corrosion prevention.
Objective Responsible Collaborators
Develop and apply cutting-edge technologies necessary to guarantee human security, environmental sustainability and minimize economic losses. Dr. José L. Ramírez Reyes.

Dr. Pedro García Ramírez.

Dr. Gonzalo Galicia Aguilar

Dr. Miguel Angel Hernández Pérez.


III. Protection and corrosion control.
Objective Responsible Collaborators
Analyze and apply existing procedures and methodologies through cutting-edge techniques to maintain the integrity of metal structures Dr. Ricardo Orozco Cruz.

Dr. Gonzalo Galicia Aguilar.

Dr. José L. Ramírez Reyes.

Dr. Miguel Angel Hernández Pérez.


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Instituto de Ingeniería
Calz Juan Pablo II S/N, Costa Verde, 94294 Veracruz, Ver., México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 24 enero, 2025 Responsable: Dr. Ricardo Galván Martínez Contacto: rigalvan@uv.mx