Universidad Veracruzana

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In the last ten years, before the opening of free trade agreements, agriculture needs to be more competitive, which requires the generation of knowledge in Agricultural Sciences to increase productivity, so there is also the social need to have doctors in Sciences with solid knowledge in innovation to technology to face the challenges of competitiveness in agricultural matters with a focus on safety and sustainability.

Additionally, in this program, Doctors of Science are trained, given the need to have academics and researchers, able to take advantage of and project, without environmental damage, the new native resources of species with potential for agriculture and livestock, which currently still They have not been very studied.

The Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences, is an innovative program that takes advantage of the strengths that have been developed in the various Faculties where the program is attached, which depend on the Biological-Agricultural Area of ​​the Veracruzana University, particularly the Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sciences in the Orizaba-Córdoba Region (Main Headquarters Córdoba), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in the Xalapa Region (Xalapa Subsede), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics in the Veracruz-Boca del Río Region (Veracruz Subsede). Currently, both in the main headquarters and in the sub-branches there are research groups and researchers belonging to the National System of Researchers (SNI) generating knowledge on issues related to the Lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge (LGAC) of this postgraduate course.

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Fecha: 28 junio, 2024 Responsable: Dr. Miguel Ángel García Martínez Contacto: dcaori@uv.mx