Universidad Veracruzana

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Entry requirements

Academics (for national applicants)

  • Possess a Master’s degree and professional certificate in the area of ​​Biological and Agricultural Sciences, areas related to Natural Sciences, or related areas. They may enter with Master’s studies in other areas depending on the experience in the area and the research project; In any case, they will be reviewed and approved in the judgment of an Admission Committee.
  • Certificate of studies with a minimum average of 80 at the immediate previous level. In the event that the certificate does not indicate the general average, an official certificate issued by the graduating institution must be attached, indicating the credits taken and the general average obtained. If the qualification is expressed in letter, it must be accompanied by the document clearly indicating the numerical equivalences on a scale of 1 to 100.
  • Have full and exclusive time availability.

Language required

  • Proof of approved English language exam from the Universidad Veracruzana EXAVER 2 or equivalent.

Administrative (for national applicants)

  • Two recent photographs, child size, black and white, with light clothes.
  • Curriculum vitae updated in free format with supporting documents.
  • Birth certificate (certified copy) and CURP.
  • Proof of recent address.
  • Official identification with photograph and signature of the applicant (voter card or valid passport).
  • Letter of explanation of reasons.
  • Two letters of recommendation from people who know their academic or work history who have the degree of Doctor and preferably belonging to the SNI.
  • Approve the selection process that will consist of:
  • Go to an evaluation interview with the Admission Committee.
  • Present and pass the postgraduate entrance exam (EXANI III).
  • Present and defend a research project that develops the theme or problem to be investigated and how to address it. This document should have a maximum length of ten pages and contain: Title, Introduction, Objective, Hypothesis, Materials and Methods and Bibliography.
  • Proof of approved English language exam from the Universidad Veracruzana EXAVER 2 or equivalent.
  • In the case of foreign applicants with studies abroad, they must comply with all the previous points plus the accreditation of the Spanish language (applies only to countries where Spanish is not the official language).

Unplanned cases will be reviewed by the Admission Committee designated to carry out the program entry process.

Entry requirements for foreign students

In the case of students with studies abroad they must meet the same requirements as a national applicant (Research proposal, letter commitment exclusive dedication to the postgraduate, free format curriculum vitae, diploma of Apostille degree, Academic history (qualifications) Apostille, a minimum average of 8.0 is required.

  • Once the student is accepted, they must do the corresponding procedures of equivalence with the SEP.
  • If the student is abroad, an interview will be done through videoconferencing.
  • If a student is abroad, they must present the internal exam, EXANI III, during the first semester of the beginning of the doctorate, if accepted.
  • Legalized photocopy of the immigration document (FM) and passport.
  • Legalization of studies by the Institutions from which they come, by the Mexican Consulate in the country of origin and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico.
  • Equivalence of studies issued by the Ministry of Public Education.
  • Two letters of reference from professors or researchers recognized in an educational institution in their country of origin.

Admission process

Selection criteria and procedures and instruments (with weighting) Pre -registration and registration deadlines and procedures

Permanency Requirements

In accordance with article 56 of the General Regulation of Postgraduate Studies in force at the Universidad Veracruzana, the permanence requirements are the following:

  • Comply with the schooling determined by the Educational Program of this postgraduate course that is six semesters;
  • To accredit the educational experiences, obtaining the total credits of the immediate school period;
  • Submit to the Graduate Coordinator at the end of each school period a progress report on thesis work endorsed by the Director of the same;
  • Maintain a minimum passing grade of eighty on a 100-point scale;
  • Full-time dedication to their academic activities;
  • Carry out the academic activities indicated in the curriculum corresponding to each semester, and those that are established by the Principal Tutor and endorsed by the Tutorial Committee;
  • Receive a passing assessment in academic tutoring activities and thesis progress, which begins in the first semester and will continue until its presentation in the dissertation exam (Art. 56, Sections 2 and 3- of Chapter VI of the Student Regulations Postgraduate of the current UV).
  • Pass the application exam at the latest in the 4th semester. The Academic Committee as a whole may grant an extension to comply with this requirement.
  • When a student interrupts their postgraduate studies, the Postgraduate Committee together will determine in what terms they can rejoin the program (Art. 59 of Chapter VIII of the current UV Graduate Student Regulations).
  • Comply fully with the provisions of the General Regulation of Postgraduate Studies of the UV, as well as in the Student Statutes.

Exit Requirements

  • Comply satisfactorily with the academic credits established in the academic program (292 credits).
  • Obtain a global average grade greater than or equal to 80 of a maximum of 100 points according to the statute of students of the Veracruzana University.
  • Development of a research project (thesis) and its defense before an evaluation jury.
  • Have accredited the level of EXAVER 3 of the English language of the Veracruzana University or equivalent.
  • Presentation of a published scientific product and an accepted product for publication.
  • Cover with the corresponding tariff payments.

Work field

Graduates of the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences, may develop professionally in research centers, educational institutions where they can participate as human resource trainers, mainly in the area of ​​research, also in companies, in the development and development of projects , mostly in the areas of Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Productivity, Safety and Agricultural Health.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 1 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Dr. Miguel Ángel García Martínez Contacto: dcaori@uv.mx