Universidad Veracruzana

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Fundamentals of the program

Program Orientation:



There is a growing demand for agricultural and forestry products, both for plant and meat, energy and raw materials, as well as fibers, fodder, firewood, wood, ornamental species, etc. The tendency to increase agricultural production must at the same time consider the impacts of global climate change and the need to preserve habitats for biodiversity conservation, in particular local genetic resources, both plant and animal, so that agricultural systems already They cannot be considered solely for the products they generate, but also for their ecosystem services.

Additionally, complex social problems affect the agricultural sector, mainly in tropical regions; for example, agricultural areas concentrate a large part of the population with less wealth and greater marginalization, there is a global tendency for the rural population to migrate to urban areas, there is a growing loss in food sovereignty of countries that used to be food producers , and there is greater pressure from global policies on the management of agricultural areas (especially concerning deforestation, rational use of water, carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases). This problem is widespread worldwide, although in a very notorious way it concerns the Mexican tropical areas.

This complex problem gave way to the creation of the Mexican Agrifood Innovation System in order to improve the transfer of agricultural technology that is generated in Higher Education Institutions (Deschamps and Escamilla, 2010). In this context, the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) have recommended including courses where university programs Innovative knowledge is generated that reconciles the human needs of agricultural production, ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation.

Therefore, it is necessary to integrate different disciplines of the agricultural sciences so that, through the application of the scientific method, they identify, evaluate, design and innovate productive agricultural systems that are sustainable, friendly to the environment and that allow to conserve the natural resources. To achieve this it is essential the training of human resources of high scientific and technological capacity for innovation and competitiveness in agricultural, animal, health, safety and agrifood quality, which provide solutions to problems of optimization and management of production systems .

The central axis of this postgraduate program of  Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences , whose lines of research were generated from social needs through a sustainability and responsibility approach, is to produce more and better while generating ecosystem services and conserving biodiversity, in a complex context of climate change and social pressures.


To train highly competent and qualified professionals to carry out scientific research that allows them to diagnose, innovate and suggest integral solutions to the problems faced by agricultural systems in tropical areas, without degrading natural resources.



Be an educational PhD program recognized for its quality in the training of researchers with deep scientific preparation and leaders in the development of research projects for the generation and application of knowledge and sustainable design of agricultural production systems in tropical areas with an impact on the solution of problems that violate their environment .

Overall objective

  • Train Doctors in Agricultural Sciences with a systemic vision oriented to the identification, solution of problems and development of tropical agricultural production systems, through innovation and scientific research, which promote the generation and application of knowledge in a sustainable way, with capacity to join research and teaching groups in support of the generation of interdisciplinary projects and the training of human resources.

Particular objectives

  • Train doctors in agricultural sciences capable of applying the scientific methodology in an innovative and critical way.
  • Develop in the student competencies for the formulation, execution and evaluation of scientific and technological research projects under a sustainable approach with the publication of an article in an indexed journal.
  • Encourage the participation of NAB members and students in national and international research networks

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Última actualización

Fecha: 28 junio, 2024 Responsable: Dr. Miguel Ángel García Martínez Contacto: dcaori@uv.mx