Universidad Veracruzana

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Orientation: Professionalizing


The Universidad Veracruzana, considered as a public institution of higher education with international prestige, develops four substantive functions which are: teaching, research, dissemination of culture and the extension of services, training and transforming future professionals, committed to society for the strengthening scientific and technological development.

In the Academic Area of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Nursing Campus Xalapa in the last five years has consolidated the offer of postgraduate courses; Such is the case of the Master’s Degree in Nursing (2011 Study Plan); the Specialization in Maternal and Perinatal Health (2011 study plan) integrated into the PNPC 2012-2015; as well as the Specialization in Nursing in Intensive Care for Adults in Critical Condition (2013 study plan), Specialization in Nursing Administration and Management (2014) and Specialization in Surgical Nursing (2020).

In 2002, the Campus Xalapa School of Nursing accredited the 2001 curriculum with quality and academic excellence by FEMAFEE; in 2007 he obtained Level 1 of the CIEES and it was in April 2010 that he once again submitted to the external evaluation criteria, obtaining a favorable result1; In January 2013, 19 teachers with teaching quality were certified, an unprecedented strength for strengthening the academy in the educational entity.

The regulatory framework that supports the 2022 Study Plan of this postgraduate course complied with the provisions of the General Health Law, propping up that in TITLE TWO, CHAPTER I, Art. 5 makes explicit, The National Health System is made up of the dependencies and entities of the Public Administration, both federal and local, and natural or legal persons from the social and private sectors, that provide health services, as well as through the mechanisms for coordinating actions, and its purpose is to comply with the right to health protection.

The 2021 Study Plan strengthens the objectives described in Art. 7., support coordination between health and educational institutions, to train and train human resources for health (Section XI); as well as helping to ensure that the training and distribution of human resources for health is consistent with the priorities of the National Health System (Section XII).

In the same way, the current 2012 Veracruz State Health Law Llave is resumed in its SECOND TITLE, CHAPTER I, Art. 7, which refers to the State Health System and specifies the following objectives: support coordination between health institutions and the educational ones of the State, to train and train human resources for health (Section XII) and help ensure that the training and distribution of human resources for health is consistent with the priorities of the National Health System (Section XIII) taken up for normative foundation of this 2014 Study Plan.

The Organic Law of the Universidad Veracruzana in its FIRST TITLE, CHAPTER I ON PERSONALITY, PURPOSES AND STRUCTURE gives support in its Art. 5 which literally says: the education provided by the Universidad Veracruzana, on bases consistent with new trends and development conditions and with the country’s modernization process, it may be formal and non-formal; in the case of formal education, which implies academic recognition, the modalities of schooling or non-schooling may be adopted. In such a way that the guidelines of the General Regulation of Graduate Studies of the Universidad Veracruzana (2010) were applied.

The 2021 Study Plan for Specialization in Nursing Administration and Management is built according to the Comprehensive and Flexible Educational Model, based on Betty Neuman’s General Theory of Systems, responding to the result of a diagnosis of social requirements and a feasibility and convenience study. which reflects the importance of the program in the context of its cognitive field and the expected impact on health institutions.

This 2021 Curriculum for the Specialization in Nursing Administration Management is an academic challenge to meet, for the benefit of the nursing discipline, training specialized and qualified professionals who develop in the administrative field of public sector health institutions and private.

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C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Fecha: 22 agosto, 2024 Responsable: Especialización en Administración y Gestión de la Enfermería – Xalapa Contacto: sanvazquez@uv.mx