Universidad Veracruzana

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Languages Centers Self Access Directory


The self-access centers at the Universidad Veracruzana are part of the paradigm shift from traditional education to an autonomous learning, where online teaching and classroom tutorials are part of the national scenario for higher education.



Geographical location of self-access centers for the Universidad Veracruzana


CAAUSBI-XalapaSelf Access center USBI Xalapa

The USBI Xalapa self-access center´s is to provide excellent service through a qualified staff that help promote self-learning with strategies for the acquisition of a foreign language.





CAA-CIXalapaSelf Access center Xalapa

The vision here at the self-access center in Xalapa is place where students can learn languages. Here we are known for our high quality services and offer the highest commitment, and innovation from our academics to help students practice. Thanks to continuous on going training with the academic staff, updating with technological support, as well as the use of the most advanced theories and methods in language learning, we are able to provide quality language teaching and learning. www.uv.mx/cadixal/




CAAVeracruzSelf-access center Veracruz

The objective of the self-access center in Veracruz is be an extension of the services offered at the language center in Veracruz. We want to provide students with the opportunity to perfect their abilities in communication in a foreign language, in a space which give them the tools and materials needed to accomplish the task. In addition to this we provide tutoring for those who may need to re-enforce knowledge and understanding in the learning process. The self-access center functions as center of practice and autonomy. Check this page for more information. www.uv.mx/veracruz/cadiciv/



CAA-USBIVerSelf-access center USBI Veracruz

The mission here at the self-access center USBI Veracruz is to provide students from the Universidad Veracruzana with an adequate learning environment in order to develop in autonomy with English. Each learner may work at their own speed and rhythm in accordance with their needs in learning along with appropriate material. You can also have the advice of highly trained academic staff to guide you in learning this foreign language. The vision of CAA-USBI is to continue working efficiently to offer services to a larger number of students at the UV; and also continue to strive for newer way of self-access learning language.    www.uv.mx/veracruz/cadiusbi/



CAA-OrizabaSelf-access center Orizaba

The education offered at the self-access center in Orizaba is focused on formal training with college students. At this center learners are given an opportunity to receive experience with English l and English ll for the basic training with the language if they are an enrolled student. In the area which is less formal we offer services for other foreign languages, English, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Mandarin, and Nahuatl.  www.uv.mx/orizaba/caa-orizaba/





CAA-CordobaSelf-access Córdoba

Here at the self-access center in Córdoba our mission is to provide quality service in teaching and learning language. We offer a variety of different modes to meet the needs of the university’s community. Here in Córdoba we believe learning is a privilege. We guide our students in the of academic autonomy, innovation, initiative, leadership and internationalization. www.uv.mx/orizaba/caa-cordoba/





CAA-IxtacSelf-access Ixtaczoquitlan

The education offered at the self-access center in Ixtaczoquitlan is focused on formal training with college students. At this center learners are given an opportunity to receive experience with English l and English ll for the basic training with the language if they are an enrolled student. This environment is autonomous. For education to the general public we offer the four skills in English, in basic, intermediate, this is also autonomous.




CAAPozaricaSelf-access Poza-Rica

El CAA- Poza Rica ofrece a los estudiantes una herramienta más de aprendizaje siendo una alternativa diferente de aprendizaje que les permita, de acuerdo a sus necesidades y habilidades, aprender, practicar y/o extender los conocimientos de los idiomas, a su propio ritmo, contando con recursos académicos y tecnológicos de aprendizaje para que puedan transitar desde el nivel básico a una etapa avanzada durante el proceso de aprendizaje.  www.uv.mx/pozarica/cadi/




CAATuxpanSelf-access Tuxpan

Here at the self-access center in Tuxpan we aim to promote autonomy in language learning, and fostering autonomy through culture. We create learning opportunities based on the learners needs, styles, objectives and pace.





CAA-CoatzaSelf-access Coatzacoalcos

The mission here at the self-access center in Coatzacoalos
Is to provide opportunities for teaching and learning foreign languages. Through counseling and the use of different teaching materials it raises our learners’ progress both self-learning techniques and the different uses of language skills.





CAA-MinaSelf-access USBI Minatitlán

Here at the self-access center in Minatitlán our vision is to encourage the acquisition of a foreign language through the introduction and operation of the various strategies that foster self-learning through the use of materials of this center. Likewise, the promotion of self-learning ultimately leads to comprehensive management of communication skills fostered by the study of a foreign language.





Enlaces de pie de página


Unidad de Servicios Bibliotecarios y de Información (USBI-Xalapa).
Av. De las Culturas Veracruzanas No.1; Colonia Mártires de Chicago.
C.P. 91020 Xalapa, Veracruz.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 13 febrero, 2025 Responsable: DCIA Contacto: dcia@uv.mx