Universidad Veracruzana

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Program’s information in English

Program’s main features

This program lasts four semesters (August-January and February-July) and has a professional orientation. As for its modality, it is a school-based program, so students must attend face-to-face sessions, which are complemented by the use of the Eminus 4 educational platform, in which online activities are developed.

In addition, this program requires a high level of academic commitment from its students since it is part of the National Postgraduate System (SNP) of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (CONAHCyT). For more information on the scholarships awarded by this organization, please consult the calls for applications, which indicate the eligible programs and the process to be followed by the applicant. The terms and requirements established in the call for applications will be subject to budget availability.

Research areas

The Master’s in Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship curriculum is structured around two LGACs, through which students, in collaboration with the teaching staff, will be able to develop projects that impact the performance of organizations or investigate phenomena associated with the themes of innovation and entrepreneurship. These are described below:

LGAC1: Business models and strategies for organizational innovation. It studies the process by which business ideas materialize into innovative strategies for organizational improvement, through the application of socioeconomic analysis, financial management, marketing tools and the use of communication technologies, considering the use of business models that promote business sustainability.

LGAC2: Entrepreneurship development studies. It studies the models and theories that guide the design and operation of entrepreneurial projects, as well as the multidisciplinary factors that influence the entrepreneurial profile.


Program’s Coordinator

Dr. Ignacio Ortiz Betancourt

Email: igortiz@uv.mx

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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 13 enero, 2025 Responsable: Ignacio Ortiz Betancourt Contacto: igortiz@uv.mx