From Nov. 4th to Nov. 14th I was visiting the LEICI Institute at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina) with Prof. Enrique Spinelli to stablish possible colaborations in capacitive electrodes and non-concious monitoring of physiological parameters. Here is the news at the Faculty web page
Listado de publicaciones
PRODEP distinction
In July 2014, I was distincted with the recognition to desirable profile to full Professors that granted by the Secretary of Public Education through the Program for the Professional Development of the Professors (PRODEP)
Interview with UniVerso
In November 2013, I was interviewed by the university newspaper UniVerso Here is the result
Patent granting news
On February 2013 Prof. Ramon Pallàs Areny and I granted the spanish patent for the METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE CONTINUOUS AND NON-CONSCIOUS DETECTION OF THE HEART RATE THROUGH IMPEDANCE PLETHYSMOGRAPHY WITH CONCEALED ELECTRODES (ES2384834) The news at the Faculty web page is here