
Examen de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa

EXAVER es un examen de la Universidad Veracruzana desarrollado con el apoyo del Consejo Británico y la Universidad de Cambridge, Inglaterra.

Con él, nuestra Casa de Estudios certifica el conocimiento del idioma inglés de sus estudiantes y del público en general, basándose en estándares internacionales. Los exámenes no se basan en un programa o libro de texto específicos sino que evalúan conocimientos de Inglés adquiridos en un tiempo de instrucción formal en el estudio del idioma inglés.

Los niveles que se certifican son:

Para cualquier duda respecto a los Exámenes EXAVER puedes mandar un correo a: exaver@uv.mx

Examen de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa

Los exámenes EXAVER 1 corresponden al nivel 1 de acuerdo a ALTE (Association of Language Testers of Europe) www.alte.org, también equivalente a KET (Key English Test) para UCLES www.ucles.org.uk en EFL.

Los exámenes EXAVER 2 corresponden al nivel 2 de acuerdo a ALTE también equivalente a PET (Preliminary English Test) para UCLES en EFL.

Los exámenes EXAVER 3 corresponden al nivel 3 de ALTE equiparable a FCE (First certificate in English) para UCLES en EFL.

Todos los exámenes son diseñados y desarrollados de acuerdo a los procedimientos y estándares de ALTE/UCLES. Los resultados son calibrados y estandarizados con estándares internacionales ALTE/Council of Europe/UCLES.

EXAMEN Horas de Instrucción ALTE UCLES Council of Europe Level
EXAVER 1 200 Nivel 1 KET Waystage Elemental / Básico
EXAVER 2 400 Nivel 2 PET Threshold Intermedio bajo / Intermedio
EXAVER 3 600 Nivel 3 FCE Vantage Intermedio alto

General Information on the level of EXAVER 1

EXAVER Level 1 is a proficiency examination in English for General Beginners, which is not intentionally related to any particular course syllabus. It follows the general principles and standards of The Council of Europe’s Waystage 1990 document. These standards coincide with ALTE Level 1, and are similar to those required by UCLES at Key English Test Level. The general performance expectations of a candidate for the EXAVER Level 1 exam include the ability:

«to ask questions and to provide information, to elicit opinions, views, preferences, and to express them, to refer to past, present and future events, to express reasons why and conditions under which something may happen and to understand others doing so, etc.»

(Waystage 1990, p.6, J.A.van Ek and J.L.M. Trim, Council of Europe1991, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.)


       General Information on the level of EXAVER 2

EXAVER Level 2 is a proficiency examination in General English, which is not intentionally related to any particular course syllabus. It follows the general principles and standards of The Council of Europe’s Threshold 1990 document. These standards coincide with ALTE Level 2, and are similar to those required by UCLES at Preliminary English Test Level. The general performance expectations of a candidate for the EXAVER Level 2 exam include the ability:

“to ask questions and to provide information, to elicit opinions, views, preferences, and to express them, to refer to past, present and future events, to express reasons why and conditions under which something may happen and to understand others doing so, etc. Also, they will have to be famliar with certain social conventions and common assumptions inherent in manners of expression in the English Language, and they will need to be aware of how cultural differences may be reflected in communicative behaviour.”


General Information on the level of EXAVER 3

The performance expectations of a candidate for the EXAVER Level 3 are supposed to correspond to ALTE 3 which, in turn, derives from the Council of Europe’s Vantage Level as expressed in its document Vantage 2001. At this level learners are able to cope with transactional situations in everyday life, and are able to deal with these when they are problematic or take an unexpected direction. They are thus able to ask for repetition, clarification and explanation in these unpredictable transactions. They can also analyze people’s opinions and argue for or against them, summarize discussion, express conclusions and explain reasons for maintaining or altering their own arguments, on the basis of reading or discussion.


Examen de Certificación en Lengua Inglesa

Centros aplicadores

Existen 8 centros aplicadores para EXAVER y son:

  1. CADI-USBI Xalapa
  2. Centro de Idiomas Coatzacoalcos
  3. Centro de Idiomas Córdoba
  4. Centro de Idiomas Orizaba
  5. Centro de Idiomas Poza Rica
  6. Centro de Idiomas Veracruz
  7. Centro de Idiomas Xalapa