Producción Académica





Artículos científicos

14. Ocaña-Sánchez, M.F.; Soto-Ojeda, G.A.; Cocotle-Ronzón, Y.; Soria-Fregozo, C.; Sánchez-Medina, A.; García-Rodríguez, R.V.; Rodríguez-Landa, J.F.; Corro-Méndez, E.J.; Hernández-Lozano, M. (2023). Flaxseed Oil (Linum usitatissimum) Prevents Cognitive and Motor Damage in Rats with Hyperammonemia. Nutrients, 15, 4550.

13. Camarota, F.; Dáttilo, W.; da Silva, P.G.; Castro, F.S.; Beirão, M.V.; Corro, E.; Fernandes, G.W.; Neves, F.S. (2023). The spatial distribution of insect communities of a mountaintop forest archipelago is not correlated with landscape structure: a multitaxa approach. Insect Conservation and Diversity

12. Ratoni, B.; Ahuatzin, D.; Corro, E.J.; Salomão, R.P.; Escobar, F.;  López-Acosta, J.C.; Dáttilo, W. (2023). Landscape composition shapes biomass, taxonomic and functional diversity of dung beetles within human-modified tropical rainforests.  Journal of Insect Conservation.

11. Dáttilo. W; Corro E.; Ahuatzin, D.A.; Regolin, A.L.; López-Acosta, J.C.; Ribeiro, M.C. (2022). Scale of effect matters: forest cover influences on tropical ant-plant ecological networks. Food Webs 33: e00256.

10. Miranda, P.N.; Ribeiro, J.E.L.S.; Corro E.J.; Brasil, I.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Dáttilo, W.(2022). Structural stability of ant-plant mutualistic networks mediated by extrafloral nectaries to forest fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazon. Sociobiology 69(3): e8261.

9. MacGregor-Fors, I: Escobar, F; Escobar-Ibañez, J.F.; Mesa-Sierra, N; Alvarado, F; Rueda-Hernaández, R; Moreno, C.E; Falfán, I.; Corro E.;Pineda, E.; Bourg, A.; Alguilar-López, J.L.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Shopping for ecological indices? On the use of incidence-based species compositional similarity measures. Diversity

8. Corro E.J.; Villalobos, F., Lira-Noriega, A.; Guevara, R.; Dattilo, W. (2022) Current climate and latitude shape the structure of bat-fruit interaction networks throughout the Neotropical region. Écoscience

7. Corro E.J.; Villalobos, F., Lira-Noriega, A.; Guevara, R; Guimarães-Jr. P.R.; Dattilo, W. (2021) Annual precipitation predicts the phylogenetic signal in bat-fruit interaction networks across the Neotropics. Biology letters 17:20210478

6. Luna, P.; Corro, E.J.; Antoniazzi, R.; Dáttilo, W. (2020). Measuring and linking the missing part of biodiversity and ecosystem function: the diversity of biotic interactions. Diversity 12: 1-14

5. Dáttilo, W.; Vasquez-Bolaños M.; Ahuatzin D.; Antoniazzi.; Chávez-Gonzalez E.; Corro E.J. et al. (many authors) (2020). MEXICO ANTS: incidence and abundance along the Nearctic-Neotropical interface. Ecology.

4. Corro, E.J.; Ahuatzin, D.A.; Aguirre, A.; Favila, M.E..; Ribeiro, M.C.; Acosta, J.C.L.; Dáttilo, W. (2019). Forest cover and landscape heterogeneity shape ant-plant co- occurrence networks in human-dominated tropical rainforests. Landscape Ecology 34: 93-104.

3. Ahuatzin, D.A.; Corro, E.J.; Aguirre, A.; Valenzuela- González, J.; Feitosa, R.M.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Acosta, J.C.; Coates, R.; Dáttilo, W. (2019). Forest cover drives leaf litter ant diversity in primary rainforest remnants within human-modified tropical landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 1091-1107.

2. Fagundes, R.; Lange, D.; Anjos, D.V.; Lima, F.P.; Nahas, L.; Corro, E.J.; Silva, P .B.G.; Del-Claro, K.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Dáttilo, W. (2018). Limited effects of fire disturbances on the species diversity and structure of ant- plant interaction networks in Brazilian Cerrado. Acta Oecologica 93: 65-73.

1. *Luna, P .; *Corro-Mendéz, E.J.; Ahuatzin-Flores, D.A.; Antoniazzi-J, R.L.; Barrozo-Chávez, N.; Chávez- González. E.; Morales-Trejo, J.; Dáttilo, W. (2017). The risk of use small matrices to measure specialization in host-parasite interaction networks: a comment to Rivera-García et al. (2016). Parasitology 144: 1102-1106

*=equal authorship

Capítulos de libro   


2. Corro, E.J.;Dáttilo, W.; Villalobos, F. (2020). A macroecological perspective on antagonistic interactions through the lens of ecological networks. In: Santiago- Alarcon, D. and Marzal, A. (Eds.) Book: Avian malaria and related parasites in the tropics: ecology, evolution, and systematics. Springer Publisher

1. Dáttilo, W. ; Ahuatzin-Flores, D.A.; Corro-Mendez, E.J.; Escobar, F.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2017). Redes complexas no estudo das interações ecológicas entre formigas e plantas em ambientes urbanos: um novo modelo conceitual. pp. 265-284. In: Bueno, O.C.; Campos, A.E.C.; Morini, M.S.C. (Eds.) Book: Formigas em Ambientes Urbanos do Brasil. Canal 6 Editora.


4. Dáttilo, W.; Vásquez‐Bolaños, M.; Ahuatzin, D. A.; Antoniazzi, R.: Chávez‐González, E.; Corro, E.J.; … & MacGregor‐Fors, I. (2020). Mexico’s Ants: Who are They and Where do They Live?. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 101(2), e01666.

3. Dáttilo, W.; Aguirre A.; Flores-Flores R.V.; Ahuatzin-Flores D.A.;Corro, E. J.(2017). Plantas, hormigas y herbívoros interactúan en un ambiente semiárido en el centro de México, ¿cómo lo hacen?. Biodiversitas 132: 12-16.

2. Luna, P.; Antoniazzi, R.; Ahuatzin, D.; Teodosio, I.; Corro, E.J.;Dáttilo, W.(2020) Los verdaderos productores de nuestros alimentos están en riesgo: los polinizadores. In book: De costa a costa. la union hace la ciencia. Instituto de apoyo a la investigación e innovación.

1.  Luna, P.; Antoniazzi, R.; Chávez, Edgar.; Corro, E.J; Ahuatzin, D.;Dáttilo, W.(2017). La conectividad de la naturaleza. Diario de Xalapa.

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