

Dr. Erick Joaquín Corro Méndez

Profesor por Asignatura

SNI: Investigador Nacional Nivel I

Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias Región Orizaba- Córdoba





Intereses académicos:

Mis investigaciones se centran en estudiar los procesos ecológicos y evolutivos que estructuran la biodiversidad de diferentes grupos botánicos y animales. Evaluando los componentes taxonómicos, funcionales y filogenéticos, principalmente las interacciones ecológicas, en diversas escalas espaciales y temporales. Para ello, utilizo herramientas derivadas de la teoría de redes, la ecología del paisaje y la macroecología.

También estoy interesado en estudiar y desarrollar nuevas herramientas estadísticas y computacionales para los interesados en el área de la bioestadística y la ecología de comunidades en el software estadístico R.


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Producción Académica Reciente

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The spatial distribution of insect communities of amountain top forest archipelago is not correlated with landscape structure: A multitaxa approach
The spatial distribution of insect communities of amountain top forest archipelago is not correlated with landscape structure: A multitaxa approach


Landscape composition shapes biomass, taxonomic and functional diversity of dung beetles within human-modified tropical rainforests
Landscape composition shapes biomass, taxonomic and functional diversity of dung beetles within human-modified tropical rainforests


Scale of effect matters: Forest cover influences on tropical ant-plant ecological networks
Scale of effect matters: Forest cover influences on tropical ant-plant ecological networks


Structural Stability of Ant-plant Mutualistic Networks Mediated by Extrafloral Nectaries: Looking at the Effects of Forest Fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazon
Structural Stability of Ant-plant Mutualistic Networks Mediated by Extrafloral Nectaries: Looking at the Effects of Forest Fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazon


Shopping for Ecological Indices? On the Use of Incidence-Based Species Compositional Similarity Measures
Shopping for Ecological Indices? On the Use of Incidence-Based Species Compositional Similarity Measures


Current climate and latitude shape the structure of bat-fruit interaction networks throughout the Neotropical region
Annual precipitation predicts the phylogenetic signal in bat–fruit  interaction networks across the   Neotropics



Mexico ants: incidence and abundance along the Nearctic–Neotropical interface



Measuring and Linking the Missing Part of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: The Diversity of Biotic Interactions



Book Chapter: A Macroecological Perspective on Antagonistic Interactions Through the Lens of Ecological Networks

 Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Peñuela

Región Orizaba-Córdoba

Universidad Veracruzana

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