Universidad Veracruzana

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Research Profile Index

Knowledge Application Generation Line Description Ph. D
Basic Mathematics Basic Mathematics is about to solve Analysis Problems, Algebra, Geometry and their applications. We focus in fixed point problems, optimization problems, fixed point applications in differential equation systems, combinatorial problems, function space, operator theory, commutative algebras, Lie groups in differential equations, and geometry in Banach space. Luis Alfredo Dupont García
Carlos Alberto Hernández Linares
Francisco Gabriel Hernández Zamora
Victor Pérez García
Josué Ramírez Ortega
Armando Sánchez Nungaray
Mathematical Modeling Mathematical modeling is about to translate a problem of any area to mathematical formulation, as well as the mechanisms to solve the model. We study features that can provide information about a original probelm. Jorge Álvarez Mena
Martha Lorena Avendaño Garrido
José Rigoberto Gabriel Argüelles
Raquiel Rufino López Martínez
Ernesto Pedro Menendez Acuña
Evodio Muñoz Aguirre
Victor Pérez García
Francisco Sergio Salem Silva
Brenda TapiaSantos
Porfirio Toledo Hernández


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Fecha: 29 noviembre, 2024 Responsable: Porfirio Toledo Hernández Contacto: ptoledo@uv.mx