Universidad Veracruzana

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Research Projects

The Doctorate in Health Sciences comprises four main research areas based on Institutional Guidelines for Research and Applying of Knowledge (LGAC in Spanish):  1) Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease, leaded by four Principal Investigators, is focused on the biological basis that underlie the functioning of organism in the maintenance and reestablishment of health. It studies the organism as a biological entity with several levels: molecular, cellular, systemic, behavioral, and cognitive; with the objective of improving human health. 2) Development and evaluation of therapies and diagnostics, developed by three Principal Investigators, is focused on exploring the evaluation of therapies and diagnostics in humans to optimize preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures through the understanding of etiology and pathogeny, always following ethical norms and Good Clinical Practice. The research will allow the test and optimization of all the techniques used to bring better medical attention to patients to improve, efficacy, accessibility, and quality. 3) Health systems, conformed by four Principal Researchers, it explores real or ideal models of the health systems with a comprehensive focus, based on international standards, directed to cover the health needs of the population through scientific knowledge that supports decision making, problem solving, quality improvement strategies to improve the health system and in consequence improving health conditions of individuals and whole communities. 4) Research on drug use reduction, leaded by four Principal Investigators, is focused on actions performed by Institutions of Education, Centers of Health, Departments of Justice, and Government administrations directed to solve consume, abuse and addiction to drugs, based on the guidelines of international organizations as WHO.

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Fecha: 5 febrero, 2025 Responsable: Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud Contacto: cgogeascoechea@uv.mx