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Octavio Castillo Reyes (Xalapa, Veracruz, 1985), obtained his Computer Systems Engineering Degree from the Xalapa Institute of Technology (2007, Mexico), his Networks and Telecommunications Master Degree from the Atenas University (2011, Mexico) and his PhD in Computer Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2017, Spain).

His professional career has developed at the University of Veracruz: Webmaster of Lecture Program of the University (2007–2008), Coordinator of Information Analysis and Integration of Information Systems (2008–2011), member of the Academic group “Information Technologies and Intelligent Organizations in the Knowledge Society” (2010–2013), lecturer in the Master in Telematics Engineering (2011-2013) and in the Program of Administrative Computer Systems (2010–2013), and Operations Coordinator of the Master Degree in Telematic (2011–2013).

He has given national and international conferences (Cuba, Peru, Argentina, Spain, France, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Czech Republic, Greece, South Korea, United States, Switzerland, United Kingdom). His research work focuses on methods and mathematical models to evaluate the performance of wireless sensor networks (WSN), numerical simulation, parallel algorithms, finite elements and finite differences and High-performance Computing (HPC). In 2015, he won the JCC2015-BSC prize of “Your Thesis in Three Minutes” as part of the 2nd. CONACyT-Catalonia Cooperation Days.

Doctoral fellowship from CONACyT (2013–2017) in Computer Architecture at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, Barcelona, Spain). He developed his research work in the Department of Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE) at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center – National Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), under the direction of professor José María Cela Espín and researcher Josep de la Puente from the research group Repsol-BSC. His doctoral thesis, supported by European Project “Geophysical Exploration using Advanced Galerkin Methods” (GEAGAM), was about Edge-based finite element method for the solution of electromagnetic problems in geophysics and it’s coupling on HPC architectures. Furthermore, this Ph.D. thesis was recognized as Cum Laude – International Mention.

Is member of the National System of Researchers Candidate level (until 2022) and member of the Mexican Supercomputing Network. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher in the CASE department of the BSC-CNS and part-time associate professor at Department of Computer Architecture (DAC) of the UPC. His research focuses on numerical methods applied to electromagnetic modeling and their parallel programming in supercomputing architectures.

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