About me

PHD. Manuel Suárez Gutiérrez

PHD in Engineering in Emerging Technologies. Academic of the Institute of Research and Higher Economic and Social Studies (IIESES) of the Universidad Veracruzana; Member of the National System of Researchers Candidate Level; Collaborator of the Academic Team «Science, Technology, Society and Innovation in the Knowledge Society» and of the Academic Team «Emerging Technologies in Organizations»; he is involved in the Line of Generation and Application of Knowledge «Social Innovation»; Secretary of the Institute at IIESES; professor at the School of Accounting and Administration of the Universidad Veracruzana in the Educational Program of Administrative Computer Systems; professor in the Master in Management of Information Technologies in Organizations; and professor in the Doctorate in Economic and Social Studies; Editor of the Journal Interconectando Saberes adscribed to IIESES. He has recently given conferences and has research articles in the area of BigData, Social Media and educational technology.