Publicaciones seleccionadas


Aureli F. and de Waal F.B.M (Eds.). 2000. Natural Conflict Resolution. University of California Press, Berkeley.

Furuichi T., Yamagiwa J. and Aureli F. (Eds.) 2015. Dispersing Primate Females: Life History and Social Strategies in Male-Philopatric Species. Springer, Berlin


Artículos en revistas indexadas


Aureli F., Schaffner C.M., Schino G. in press. Variation in communicative complexity in relation to social structure and organization in non-human primates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2021-0306

Aureli F., Hutschenreiter A., Araya Gamboa D., Arévalo-Huezo E., Avila Atagua T., Boiledieu C., González Gallina A., Lindshield S., Narváez Rivera G.M., Rufray V., Thurber M., Spaan D. 2022. Do spider monkeys use artificial canopy bridges to cross linear infrastructure? Folia Primatologica. doi: 10.1163/14219980-20211204

Aureli F., Schino G. 2022. Brief touch is different from a massage: insights from nonhuman primates. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 43:174-180. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2021.10.008

Busia L., Schaffner C.M., Aureli F. 2022. Should I stay or should I go? How activity synchronization affects fission decisions. Biology Letters 18: 20210410. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0410

Dell’Anna F., Schino G., Aureli F. 2022. Anxiety in Geoffroy’s spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi): can scratching be used as an indicator? American Journal of Primatology. doi: 10.1002/ajp.23373

Spaan D., Di Fiore A., Rangel-Rivera C.E., Hutschenreiter A., Wich S., Aureli F. 2022. Detecting spider monkeys from the sky using a high-definition RGB camera: A rapid-assessment survey method? Biodiversity and Conservation. doi: 10.1007/s10531-021-02341-1

Spaan D., Ramos-Fernández G., Aureli F. 2022. Resurveying primate populations: a comparison of methods to monitor change over time. Primate Conservation 36.



Bonilla Moheno M., Rangel Rivera C.E., García-Frapolli E., Ríos Beltrán F.L., Espadas-Manrique C., Aureli F., Ayala-Orozco B., Ramos-Fernández G. 2021. Changes in the socio-ecological system of a protected area in the Yucatan peninsula: A case study on land-use, vegetation cover, and household management strategies. Land 10: 1147. doi: 10.3390/land10111147

Hutschenreiter A., Ramos-Fernández G., Aureli F. 2021. Line-transect versus point-transect sampling: The effects of survey area and survey effort on method efficiency for Geoffroy’s spider monkeys. Wildlife Research 48:590-597. doi: 10.1071/WR20188

Spaan D., Ramos-Fernández G., Bonilla-Moheno M., Schaffner C.M., Aureli F. 2021. The impact of the establishment of Otoch Ma’ax yetel Kooh protected area (Yucatán, Mexico) on the populations of two Neotropical primates. PARKS. 37: 35-42. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2021.PARKS-27-1DS.en



Campos F.A., Kalbitzer U., Melin A.D., Hogan J.D., Cheves S.E., Murillo-Chacon E., Guadamuz A., Myers M.S., Schaffner C.M., Jack K.M., Aureli F., Fedigan L.M. 2020. Differential impact of severe drought on infant mortality in two sympatric neotropical primates. Royal Society Open Science 7: 200302. doi: 10.1098/rsos.200302

Melin A.D., Hogan J.D., Campos F.A., Wikberg E., King-Bailey G., Webb S.E., Kalbitzer U., Asensio N., Murillo-Chacon E., Cheves Hernandez S., Guadamuz Chavarria A., Schaffner C., Kawamura S., Aureli F., Fedigan L.M., Jack K.M. 2020. Primate life history, social dynamics, ecology, and conservation: contributions from long-term research in the Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Biotropica 52: 1041-1064. doi: 10.1111/btp.12867

Moscovice L.R., Sueur C., Aureli F. 2020. How socio-ecological factors influence the differentiation of social relationships: an integrated conceptual framework. Biology Letters 16: 20200384. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0384

Murray L., Schaffner C.M, Aureli F., Amici F. in press. There is no other monkey in the mirror for spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Journal of Comparative Psychology 134: 323-329. doi: 10.1037/com0000243

Powers J.S., Vargas G., Brodribb T.J., Schwartz N.B., Perez-Aviles D., Smith-Martin C.M., Becknell J.M., Aureli F., Blanco R., Calderón-Morales E., Calvo-Alvarado J.C., Calvo-Obando A.J., Chavarría M.M., Carvajal-Vanegas D., Jiménez-Rodríguez C.D., Murillo Chacon E., Schaffner C.M., Werden L.K., Xu X., Medvigy D. 2020. A catastrophic tropical drought kills hydraulically vulnerable tree species. Global Change Biology 26: 3122–3133.

Saldaña Sánchez A.A., Aureli F., Busia L., Schaffner C.M. 2020. Who’s there? Third parties affect social interactions between spider monkey males. Behaviour 157: 761-780. doi: 10.1163/1568539X-bja10021

Spaan D., Ramos-Fernández G., Bonilla-Moheno M., Schaffner C.M., Morales-Mávil J.E., Slater K., Aureli F. 2000. Anthropogenic habitat disturbance and food availability affect the abundance of an endangered primate: a regional approach. Mammalian Biology 100: 325-333.



Aureli F. and Schino G. 2019. Social complexity from within: how individuals experience the structure and organization of their groups. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 6. doi: 10.1007/s00265-018-2604-5

Busia L., Schaffner C.M., Aureli F. 2019. Watch out! Insecure relationships affect vigilance in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:159. doi: 10.1007/s00265-019-2773-x

Koyama N.F. and Aureli F. 2019. Social network changes during space restriction in zoo chimpanzees. Primates 60: 203-211. doi: 10.1007/s10329-018-0675-6

Smith Aguilar S.E., Aureli F., Busia L., Schaffner C.M., Ramos-Fernandez G. 2019. Using multiplex networks to capture the multidimensional nature of social structure. Primates 60: 277-295. doi: 10.1007/s10329-018-0686-3

Spaan D., Ramos-Fernández G., Schaffner C.M., Smith-Aguilar S., Pinacho-Guendulain B., Aureli F. 2019. Standardizing methods to estimate population density: an example based on habituated and unhabituated spider monkeys. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 847-862 doi: 10.1007/s10531-018-01696-2

Solórzano García B., Melin A.D., Aureli F., Pérez Ponce de León G. 2019. Unveiling patterns of genetic variation in parasite-host associations: an example with pinworms and Neotropical primates. Parasitology 146: 356-362. doi: 10.1017/S0031182018001749

Spaan D., Burke C., McAree O., Aureli F., Rangel-Rivera C.E., Hutschenreiter A., Longmore S.N., McWhirter P.R., Wich S.A. 2019. Thermal infrared imaging from drones offers a major advance for spider monkey surveys. Drones 3: 34. doi: 10.3390/drones3020034



Amici F., Call J., Watzek J., Brosnan S. and Aureli F. 2018. Social inhibition and behavioural flexibility when the context changes: a comparison across six primate species. Scientific Reports 8: 3067. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-21496-6

Busia L., Denice A.R., Aureli F. and Schaffner C.M. 2018. Homosexual behavior between male spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Archives of Sexual Behavior 47: 857-861. doi: 10.1007/s10508-018-1177-8

Busia L., Smith-Aguilar S., Aureli F., Schaffner C., Ramos-Fernandez G. 2018. Predation attacks on wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Folia Primatologica 89: 341–346. doi: 10.1159/000492055

Ramos-Fernandez G., King A.J., Beehner J.C., Bergman T.J., Crofoot M.C., Di Fiore A., Lehmann J., Schaffner C.M., Snyder-Mackler N., Zuberbühler K., Aureli F. and Boyer D. 2018. Quantifying uncertainty due to fission-fusion dynamics as a component of social complexity. Proceedings Royal Society B 285: 20180532. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.0532



Asensio N., Murillo-Chacon E., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2017. The effect of roads on spider monkeys’ home range and mobility in a heterogeneous regenerating forest. Biotropica 49: 546–554. doi: 10.1111/btp.12441

Busia L., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2017. Relationship quality affects fission decisions in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Ethology 123: 405-411. doi: 10.1111/eth.12609

Koyama N.F., Ronkainen K. and Aureli F. 2017. Durability and flexibility of chimpanzee grooming patterns during a period of dominance instability. American Journal of Primatology 79: e22713. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22713

Riveros J.C., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2017. You are not welcome: social exchanges between female spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). International Journal of Primatology 38: 856-871. doi: 10.1007/s10764-017-9982-9

Schino G. and Aureli F. 2017. Reciprocity in group-living animals: partner control versus partner choice. Biological Reviews 92: 665-672. doi: 10.1111/brv.12248

Spaan D., Ramos-Fernandez G., Schaffner C.M., Pinacho-Guendulain B. and Aureli F. 2017. How survey design affects monkey counts: A case study on individually recognized spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Folia Primatologica 88: 409-420. doi: 10.1159/000481796



Busia L., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2016. Watch out or relax: conspecifics affect vigilance in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Behaviour 153: 107-124.

Busia L., Schaffner C.M., Rothman J.M. and Aureli F. 2016. Do fruit nutrients affect subgrouping patterns in wild spider monkeys? International Journal of Primatology 37: 738–751.

Radford A.N., Majolo B., and Aureli F. 2016. Within-group behavioural consequences of between-group conflict: A prospective review. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20161567.

Tsutsui K., Otoh M., Sakurai K., Suzuki-Hashido N., Hayakawa T., Misaka T., Ishimaru Y., Aureli F., Melin A.D., Kawamura S. and Imai H. 2016. Variation in ligand responses of the bitter taste receptors TAS2R1 and TAS2R4 among New World monkeys. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:208.



Asensio N., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2015. Quality and overlap of individual core areas are related to group tenure in female spider monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 77: 777-785.

Barney B. Amici F., Aureli F., Call J. and Johnson V. 2015. Joint Bayesian modeling of binomial and rank data for primate cognition. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 110: 573-582.

Gonzalez-Zamora A., Arroyo-Rodriguez V., Escobar F., Oyama K., Aureli F. and Stoner K.E. 2015. Sleeping-tree fidelity of the spider monkey shapes community-level seed rain patterns in continuous and fragmented rain forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31: 305-313.

Pablo-Rodriguez M., Aureli F., Hernandez-Salazar L.T. and Schaffner, C.M. 2015. The role of sucrose and sensory systems in fruit selection and consumption of Ateles geoffroyi in Yucatan, Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31: 213-219.



Amici F., Aureli F., Call J. 2014. Response facilitation in the four great apes: is there a role for empathy? Primates 55: 113–118.

Amici F., Aureli F., Mundry R., Sánchez Amaro A., Mesa Barroso A., Ferretti J. and Call J. 2014. Calculated reciprocity? A comparative test with six primate species. Primates 55: 447–457.

MacLean E.L., Hare B., Nunn C.L., Addessi E., Amici F., Anderson R.C., Aureli F., Baker J.M., Bania A.E., Barnard A.M., Boogert N.J., Brannon E.M., Bray E.E., Bray J., Brent L.J.N., Burkart J.M., Call J., Cantlon J.F., Cheke L.G., Clayton N.S., Delgado M.M., DiVincenti L.J., Fujita K., Herrmann E., Hiramatsu C., Jacobs L.F., Jordan K.E., Laude J.R., Leimgruber K.L., Messer E.J.E., Moura A.C.deA., Ostojić L., Picard A., Platt M.L., Plotnik J.M., Range F., Reader S.M., Reddy R.B., Sandel A.A., Santos L.R., Schumann K., Seed A.M., Sewall K.B., Shaw R.C., Slocombe K.E., Su Y., Takimoto A., Tan J., Tao R., van Schaik C.P., Virányi Z., Visalberghi E., Wade J.C., Watanabe A., Widness J., Young J., Zentall T.R. and Zhao Y. 2014. The evolution of self-control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111 (20) E2140-E2148.

Matsumoto Y., Hiramatsu C., Matsushita Y., Ozawa N., Ashino R., Nakata M., Kasagi S., Di Fiore A., Schaffner C.M., Aureli F., Melin A.D. and Kawamura S. 2014. Evolutionary renovation of L/M opsin polymorphism confers a fruit discrimination advantage to ateline New World monkeys. Molecular Ecology. 23: 1799-1812.



AureliF., Di Fiore A., Murillo-Chacon E., Kawamura S., Schaffner C.M. 2013. Male philopatry in spider monkeys revisited. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 152: 86-95.

Aureli F. and Schaffner, C.M. 2013. Why so complex? Emotional mediation of revenge, forgiveness and reconciliation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36: 15-16.

Ramos-FernandezG., Smith Aguilar S.E., Schaffner C.M., Vick L.G., Aureli F. 2013. Site fidelity in space use by spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62813.

Santorelli C.J., Aureli F., Ramos-Fernández G., Schaffner C.M. 2013. Individual variation of whinnies reflects differences in membership between spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) communities. International Journal of Primatology 34: 1172-1189.



Amici F., Barney B., Johnson V.E., Call J., Aureli F. 2012. A modular mind? A test using individual data from seven primate species. PLoS ONE. 7(12): e51918.

Amici F., Call J., Aureli F. 2012. Aversion to violation of expectations of food distribution: the role of social tolerance and relative dominance in seven primate species. Behaviour 149: 345-368.

Asensio N., Schaffner C.M., Aureli F. 2012. Variability in core areas of spider monkeys in a regenerating dry tropical forest. Primates 53: 147-156.

Asensio N., Lusseau D., Schaffner C.M., Aureli F. 2012. Spider monkeys use high-quality core areas in a tropical dry forest. Journal of Zoology 287: 250–258.

Aureli F., Schaffner C., Asensio N., Lusseau D. 2012. What is a subgroup? How socioecological factors influence inter-individual distance. Behavioral Ecology 23: 1308-1315.

Koyama N.F., Caws C., Aureli F. 2012. Supply and demand predict male grooming of swollen females in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Animal Behaviour 84: 1419-1425.

MacLean E.L., Matthews L.J., Hare B.A., Nunn C.L., Anderson R.C., Aureli F., Brannon E.M., Call J., Drea C.M., Emery N.J., Haun D.B.M., Herrmann E., Jacobs L.F., Platt M.L., Rosati A.G., Sandel  A.A., Schroepfer K.K., Seed A.M., Tan J., van Schaik C.P., Wobber V. 2012. How does cognition evolve? Phylogenetic comparative psychology. Animal Cognition 15: 223-238.

Majolo B., Aureli F., Schino G. 2012. Meta-analysis and animal social behaviour. Evolutionary Ecology 26: 1197-1211.

Majolo B., Schino G., Aureli F. 2012. The relative prevalence of direct, indirect and generalised reciprocity in macaque grooming exchanges. Animal Behaviour 83: 763-771.

Polizzi di Sorrentino E., Schino G., Massaro L., Visalberghi E., Aureli F. 2012. Between-group hostility affects within-group interactions in tufted capuchin monkeys. Animal Behaviour 83: 445-451.

Polizzi di Sorrentino E., Schino G., Tiddi B., Aureli F. 2012. Scratching as a window into the emotional responses of wild tufted capuchin monkeys. Ethology 118: 1072-1084.

Schaffner C.M., Rebecchini L., Ramos-Fernandez G., Vick L.G., Aureli F. 2012. Spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatenensis) cope with the negative consequences of hurricanes through changes in diet, activity budget and fission-fusion dynamics. International Journal of Primatology 33: 922-936.

Schaffner C.M., Slater K.Y. and Aureli F. 2012. Age related variation in male-male relationships in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanenisis). Primates. 53: 49-56.

Tiddi B., Aureli F., Schino G. 2012. Grooming up the hierarchy: the exchange of grooming and rank-related benefits in a New World primate. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36641.



González-Zamora A., Arroyo-Rodríguez V., Chaves O.M., Sánchez-López S., Aureli F. and Stoner K.E. 2011. Influence of climatic variables, forest type and condition on activity budget of Geoffroyi´s spider monkeys throughout Mesoamerica. American Journal of Primatology 73: 1–10.

Rebecchini L., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2011. Risk is a component of social relationships in spider monkeys. Ethology 117: 691-699.

Santorelli, C.J., Schaffner, C.M., Campbell, C.J., Notman, H., Pavelka, M.S., Weghorst, J.A. and Aureli, F. 2011. Traditions in spider monkeys are biased towards the social domain. PLoS ONE 6(2): e16863.

Santorelli C.S., Schaffner, C.M. and Aureli F. 2011. Universal behaviors as candidate traditions in wild spider monkeys. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24400.

Sueur C.,King A.J., Conradt L., Kerth G., Lusseau D., Mettke-Hofmann C., Schaffner C.M., Williams L., Zinner D. and Aureli F. 2011. Collective decision-making and fission-fusion dynamics: a conceptual framework. Oikos 120: 1608-1617.

Tiddi B., Aureli F., Polizzi di Sorrentino E., Janson C. and Schino G. 2011. Grooming for tolerance? Two mechanisms of exchange in wild tufted capuchin monkeys. Behavioral Ecology 22: 663–669.

Tiddi B., Aureli F., Schino G. and Voelkl B. 2011. Social relationships between adult females and the alpha male in wild tufted capuchin monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 73: 812-820.



Amici F., Aureli F. and Call J. 2010. Monkeys and apes: are their cognitive skills really so different? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143: 188-197.

Aureli F. and Yates K. 2010. Distress prevention by grooming others in crested black macaques. Biology Letters 6: 27-29.

Fraser O.N., Stahl D. and Aureli F. 2010. Function and determinants of reconciliation in Pan troglodytes. International Journal of Primatology 31: 39-57.

Hiwatashi T., Okabe Y., Tsutsui T., Hiramatsu C., Melin A.D., Oota H., Schaffner C.M., Aureli F., Fedigan L.M., Innan H. and Shoji Kawamura S. 2010. An explicit signature of balancing selection for color vision variation in New World monkeys. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27: 453–464.

Polizzi di Sorrentino E., Schino G., Visalberghi E., Aureli F. 2010. What time is it? Coping with expected feeding time in capuchin monkeys. Animal Behaviour 80: 117-123.

Schino G. and Aureli F. 2010. The relative roles of kinship and reciprocity in explaining primate altruism. Ecology Letters 13: 45-50.

Schino G. and Aureli F. 2010. Primate reciprocity and its cognitive requirements. Evolutionary Anthropology 19: 130–135.

Schino, G. and Aureli F. 2010. A few misunderstandings about reciprocal altruism. Communicative and Integrative Biology 3(6): 561-563.

Tiddi B., Aureli F. and Schino G. 2010. Grooming for infant handling in tufted capuchin monkeys: a reappraisal of the primate infant market. Animal Behaviour 79: 1115-1123.


Amici F., Aureli F., Visalberghi E. and Call J. 2009. Spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) and capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) follow gaze around barriers: evidence for perspective-taking? Journal of Comparative Psychology 123: 368-374.

Amici F., Call J., and Aureli F. 2009. Variation in withholding of information in three monkey species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276: 3311-3318.

Asensio N., Korstjens A.H. and Aureli F. 2009. Fissioning minimizes ranging costs in spider monkeys: a multi-level approach. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 649-659.

FraserO.N., KoskiS.E., Wittig R.M. and Aureli F. 2009. Why are bystanders friendly to recipients of aggression? Communicative and Integrative Biology 2: 1-7.

Hiramatsu C., Melin A.D., Aureli F., Schaffner C.M., Vorobyev M. and Kawamura S. 2009. Interplay of olfaction and vision in fruit foraging of spider monkeys. Animal Behaviour 77: 1421-1426.

Ramos-Fernandez G., Boyer D., Aureli F. and Vick L.G. 2009. Association networks in spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 999-1013.

Romero T., Colmenares F. and Aureli F. 2009. Testing the function of reconciliation and third-party affiliation for aggressors in hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas). American Journal of Primatology 71: 60-69.

Schino G. and Aureli F. 2009. Reciprocal altruism in primates: partner choice, cognition and emotions. Advances in the Study of Behavior 39: 45-69.

Slater K.Y., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2009. Sex differences in the social behavior of wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis). American Journal of Primatology 71: 21-29.



Asensio N., Korstjens A.H., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2008. Intragroup aggression, fission-fusion dynamics and feeding competition in spider monkeys. Behaviour 145: 983-1001.

Aureli F., Schaffner C.M., Boesch C., Bearder S.K., Call J., Chapman C.A., Connor R., Di Fiore A., Dunbar R. I. M., Henzi S.P., Holekamp K., Korstjens A.H., Layton R., Lee P., Lehmann J., Manson J.H., Ramos-Fernández G., Strier K.B., and van Schaik C.P. 2008. Fission-fusion dynamics: new research frameworks. Current Anthropology 48: 627-654.

Amici F., Aureli F. and Call J. 2008. Fission-fusion dynamics, behavioral flexibility and inhibitory control in primates. Current Biology 18: 1415-1419. [doi 10.1016/j.cub.2008.08.020]

CawsC.E., Wehnelt S. and Aureli F. 2008. The effect of a new vertical structure in mitigating aggressive behaviour in a large group of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Animal Welfare 17: 149-154.

Fraser­­ O.N. and Aureli­ F. 2008. Reconciliation, consolation and post-conflict behavioral specificity in chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology 70: 1-10.

Fraser­­ O.N., Stahl D. and Aureli­ F. 2008. Stress reduction through consolation in chimpanzees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 8557-8562.

Fraser­­ O.N., Schino G. and Aureli­ F. 2008. Components of relationship quality in chimpanzees. Ethology 114: 834-843.

Hiramatsu C., Melin A.D., Aureli F., Schaffner C.M., Vorobyev M., Matsumoto Y. and Kawamura S. 2008. Importance of achromatic contrast in short-range fruit foraging of primates. PLoS ONE 3: e3356.

Romero T. and Aureli F. 2008. Reciprocity of support in coatis. Journal of Comparative Psychology 122: 19-25.

Romero T., Colmenares F. and Aureli F. 2008. Post-conflict affiliation of aggressors in hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas). International Journal of Primatology 29: 1591–1606.

Schino G. and Aureli F. 2008. Grooming reciprocation among female primates: a meta-analysis. Biology Letters 4: 9-11.

Schino G. and Aureli F. 2008. Trade-offs in primate grooming reciprocation: testing behavioural flexibility and correlated evolution. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95: 439–446.

Slater K.Y., Schaffner C.M. and Aureli F. 2008. Female-directed male aggression in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis). International Journal of Primatology 29: 1657–1669.

Thierry B., Aureli F., Nunn C.L., Petit O., Abegg C. and de Waal F.B.M. 2008. A comparative study of conflict resolution in macaques: insights into the nature of trait co-variation. Animal Behaviour 75: 847-860.

Selección de años anteriores

Aureli F. and Schaffner C.M. 2007. Aggression and conflict management at fusion in spider monkeys. Biology Letters 3: 147-149.

Aureli F., Schaffner C.M., Verpooten J., Slater K. and Ramos-Fernandez G. 2006. Raiding parties of male spider monkeys: insights into human warfare? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 131: 486–497.

Aureli F., Cords M. and van Schaik C.P. 2002. Conflict resolution following aggression in gregarious animals: a predictive framework. Animal Behaviour 64: 325-343.

Aureli F. and Schaffner C.M. 2002. Relationship assessment through emotional mediation. Behaviour 139: 393-420.

Aureli F, PrestonS.D., de Waal F.B.M. 1999. Heart rate responses to social interactions in free-moving rhesus macaques: A pilot study. Journal of Comparative Psychology 113: 59-65.

Aureli F. 1997. Post-conflict anxiety in nonhuman primates: The mediating role of emotion in conflict resolution. Aggressive Behavior 23: 315-328.

Aureli F. 1992. Post-conflict behaviour among wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 31: 329-337.

Aureli F., Cozzolino R., Cordischi C. and Scucchi S. 1992. Kin-oriented redirection among Japanese macaques: an expression of a revenge system? Animal Behaviour 44: 283-291.

Maestripieri D., Schino G., Aureli F. and Troisi A. 1992. A modest proposal: displacement activities as an indicator of emotions in primates. Animal Behaviour 44: 967-979.

Aureli F. and Schaik C.P. van. 1991. Post-conflict behaviour in long-tailed macaques: I The social events. Ethology 89: 89-100.

Aureli F. and Schaik C.P. van. 1991. Post-conflict behaviour in long-tailed macaques: II Coping with the uncertainty. Ethology 89: 101-114.

Aureli F., Schaik C.P. van and Hooff J.A.R.A.M. van. 1989. Functional aspects of reconciliation among captive long-tailed macaques. American Journal of Primatology 19: 39-51.


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