- Martínez-García, J. A., González-Zapata, A. M., Rechy-Ramírez, E. J., & Tlelo-Cuautle, E. (2022) On the Prediction of Chaotic Time Series using Neural Networks. Chaos Theory and Applications, 4(2), 94-103.
- Hernandez-Mendez, S., Palacios-Hernandez, E. R., Marin-Hernandez, A., Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Vazquez-Leal, H. (2021). Design and Implementation of Composed Position/Force Controllers for Object Manipulation. Applied Sciences, 11(21), 9827.
Perez-Gomez, V., Rios-Figueroa, H. V., Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., Mezura-Montes, E., & Marin-Hernandez, A. (2020). Feature Selection on 2D and 3D Geometric Features to Improve Facial Expression Recognition. Sensors, 20(17), 4847. ISSN 1424-8220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s20174847 (2019 Impact factor: 3.275). Published: 27 August 2020
- Carlos Alberto Aguilar-Lazcano & Ericka Janet Rechy-Ramirez. (2020). Performance analysis of Leap motion controller for finger rehabilitation using serious games in two lighting environments. Measurement Journal. ISSN: 0263-2241. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107677 (2019 Impact factor: 2.791). Published online: 28 February 2020.
- Carlos Alberto Aguilar-Lazcano, Ericka Janet Rechy-Ramirez, Huosheng Hu, Homero Vladimir Rios-Figueroa and Antonio Marin-Hernandez. (2019). Interaction Modalities Used on Serious Games for Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review. Games for Health Journal. 8(5). ISSN: 2161-783X . Online ISSN: 2161-7856. DOI: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/g4h.2018.0129 (2018 Impact factor: 1.782). 9 July 2019
- I. Herrera-Luna, E. J. Rechy-Ramirez, H. V. Rios-Figueroa and A. Marin-Hernandez. (2019). Sensor Fusion Used in Applications for Hand Rehabilitation: a Systematic Review. IEEE Sensors Journal. 19(10):3581-3592. ISSN: 1530-437X. ISSN: 1558-1748. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2897083 (2018 Impact factor: 3.076). 1 February 2019
- Rechy-Ramirez, E.J., Marin-Hernandez, A. & Rios-Figueroa, H.V (2019). A human computer interface for wrist rehabilitation: a pilot study using commercial sensors to detect wrist movements. Vis Comput. 35(1):41-55. ISSN 0178-2789. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-017-1446-x. (2016 Impact factor: 1.468). Published online: 14 October 2017
- Oscar Alonso-Ramirez, Antonio Marin-Hernandez, Homero V. Ríos-Figueroa, Michel Devy, Saul E. Pomarez-Hernandez, Ericka J. Rechy-Ramirez. (2018). A Graph Representation Composed of Geometrical Components for Household Furniture Detection by Autonomous Mobile Robots. Applied Sciences. 8(11): 2234. (2017 Impact factor: 1.689).
- Rechy-Ramirez, E.J., Marin-Hernandez, A. & Rios-Figueroa, H.V. (2018). Impact of commercial sensors in human computer interaction: a review. J Ambient Intell Human Comput. 9(5): 1479-1496. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-017-0568-3. (2017 Impact factor: 1.423). Published online: 23 August 2017
- Angel Juan Sanchez-Garcia, Homero V. Ríos-Figueroa, Hugues Garnier, Gustavo Quintana-Carapia, Ericka J. Rechy-Ramirez, Antonio Marin-Hernandez. (2018). Predicting collisions: time-to-contact forecasting based on probabilistic segmentation and system identification. Advanced Robotics 32(8): 426-442. (2017 Impact factor: 0.961)
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Hu, H. (2015). Bio-signal based control in assistive robots: a survey. Digital Communications and Networks, 1(2), 85-101.
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Hu, H. (2014). A flexible bio-signal based HMI for hands-free control of an electric powered wheelchair. International Journal of Artificial Life Research (IJALR), 4(1), 59-76.
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Hu, H. (2014). Head movement and facial expression-based human-machine interface for controlling an intelligent wheelchair. International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics, 3(2), 80-91.
- Vargas-Bustos, J.I. & Rechy-Ramírez, E.J. (2023). Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) on a Serious Game Used for Hand Rehabilitation. In M. Habib (Ed.), Perspectives and Considerations on the Evolution of Smart Systems (pp. 35-66). IGI Global. ISBN13: 9781668476840. ISBN10: 1668476843. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-7684-0.ch003
- Rios‐Figueroa, H. V., del Castillo‐Lozano, M. L., Ramirez‐Gomez, E. K., & Rechy‐Ramirez, E. J. (2020). Temporal Color Analysis of Avocado Dip for Quality Control. Machine Vision Inspection Systems: Image Processing, Concepts, Methodologies and Applications, 1, 147-157. Online ISBN: 9781119682042. Print ISBN: 9781119681809. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119682042.ch6 . Published: 29 May 2020
- Rechy-Ramirez, E.J, & Hu, H. (2018). An Electric wheelchair controlled by Head Movements and Facial Expressions: Uni-modal, bi-modal and fuzzy bi-modal modes. In Handbook of Research on Investigations in Artificial Life Research and Development. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5396-0.ch001. (pp. 1-30). IGI Global.
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Hu, H. (2014). Flexible Bi-modal Control Modes for Hands-Free Operation of a Wheelchair by Head Movements and Facial Expressions. In New Trends in Medical and Service Robots (pp. 109-123). Springer International Publishing.
- Benítez-Guerrero, E., & Rechy-Ramírez, E. J. (2009). Schema Evolution Models and Languages for Multidimensional Data Warehouses. In Handbook of Research on Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends (pp. 119-128). IGI Global.
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Hu, H. (2013, September). Bi-modal human machine interface for controlling an intelligent wheelchair. In Emerging Security Technologies (EST), 2013 Fourth International Conference on (pp. 66-70). IEEE.
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., Hu, H., & McDonald-Maier, K. (2012, December). Head movements based control of an intelligent wheelchair in an indoor environment. In Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2012 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1464-1469). IEEE.
- Piña-García, C. A., Rechy-Ramírez, E. J., & García-Vega, V. A. (2008, October). Comparing three simulated strategies for cancer monitoring with nanorobots. In Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1020-1030). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Piña-García, C. A., Rechy-Ramírez, E. J., & García-Vega, V. A. (2007). A Practical Implementation Modeling Bio-operations (Binding, Shortening, Cutting and Separating) to Obtain Complex Molecular Structures. Tercer Congreso de Computación Evolutiva COMCEV’07.
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Benitez-Guerrero, E. (2006, November). A model and language for bitemporal schema versioning in Data Warehouses. In Computing, 2006. CIC’06. 15th International Conference on (pp. 309-314). IEEE. (Best paper award)
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., & Hu, H. (2011). Stages for Developing Control Systems using EMG and EEG signals: A survey. School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, 1744-8050.
- Rechy-Ramirez, E. J., Hu, H., Marin-Hernandez, A., & Rios-Figueroa, H.V. (2015). Controlando una silla de ruedas mediante expresiones faciales y movimientos de cabeza. Revista de divulgación del CONACyT Komputer Sapiens, 7(3). Temática: Robótica, Septiembre-Diciembre 2015. ISSN 2007-0691.