Welcome to my homepage!

I am Claudio Contreras Aburto and I am a physicist.

I am a member of the Physics Faculty at Universidad Veracruzana.

My research has centered on studying various phenomena that arise when charged particles disperse in a liquid. My ultimate scientific objective is to help advance our understanding of biological systems and processes. When I ponder biological systems such as the cell, I envision them as miniature universes teeming with countless emerging phenomena just waiting to be comprehended.

I have designed and taught various courses, ranging from Conceptual Physics and Introductory Mechanics Lab to Computing and Theoretical courses for undergraduate students of all levels. I have also taught graduate Scientific Computing, Classical Mechanics / Dynamic Systems, and Advanced Statistical Mechanics Courses. You can find more information about my teaching activities in the Teaching section of this website.

If you are a teacher or researcher with similar interests or a student seeking to do a stay, thesis, or collaborate with me, feel free to contact me without hesitation.

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