Universidad Veracruzana

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Program Foundation

Biology as a science that studies living bodies currently encompasses a wide range of disciplines and scientific theories that aim to explain and know different aspects of biological systems. Traditionally, it does not consider the effects that increasingly sophisticated cultural practices that change and involve the dynamics of biological systems. This makes it necessary to consider the study of biological systems from two LGACs that account for the complexity of biological phenomena and their interaction with the world of man-made. These two lines are:

1.-)LGAC1 Systematic biology.
2.-) LGAC2 Biocultural studies.

The need for scientific research becomes latent to know the still ignountic biological diversity, changes in its composition and the qualities of these changes. Scientific research from biology will raise possibilities for recovery, management and conservation of natural resources from multifactorial and complex postures.

In Mexico, the interaction of different sectors of society has been encouraged, who have collaborated to describe the current state of the country’s biocultural heritage, which is summarized in a synthesis edited by Sarukhán and collaborators (2009). This document clearly points to the areas to work to describe, know and implement strategies that allow us to sustainably leverage our natural capital.

The lack of timely research in determining the state and quantity of natural resources stops the recovery of biodiversity. This is extremely worrying because it puts us in the course of problems such as the decline of forests, decrease of water for human consumption, environmental degradation, among others.

For all of the above, it is intended to train teachers in life sciences that can address: (i) biological and ecological problems from a multidisciplinary perspective; (ii) basic research to understand how environmental, biological and cultural factors relate to each other; (iii) the design and proposal of management plans based on scientific criteria and the interests of the society with which they interact.

The Master of Biological Sciences is a program dedicated to training human resources of excellence in transdisciplinary scientific research with national and international recognition in biological sciences. Establishes a tendency to complexity, integrating biocultural aspects for the conservation of living and biocultural systems.

The Master’s Degree in Biological Sciences will be consolidated at national and international level, as a postgraduate degree in transdisciplinary scientific research with criteria of complexity in the study of living systems, their functionality and evolution considering the importance of their interaction with biocultural systems.

General: To train human resources capable of developing interdisciplinary research projects that include the scientific and social perspectives necessary for the study of living systems and for the promotion of bioconservation plans at the local, national and international levels.

1. To train human resources capable of developing scientific research, from quantitative and qualitative methods, of high level, to the assessment of problems related to the development of living systems considering biocultural criteria, for the promotion of bioconservation at the local, national and international level.


  1. Support knowledge generation aimed at improving the management of biocultural resources.
  2. Promote the mobility of students and researchers among quality, national and international programmes.
  3. To train human resources specialized in specialized techniques and methods to carry out scientific activities with social relevance.
  4. To train human resources with the capacity to communicate knowledge, from dissemination and dissemination, with public appropriation.


  1. Terminal efficiency of 65% of students, within the deadlines established by conacyt, in consideration of the requirements of the current curriculum.
  2. 50% of each generation of students with national or international mobility, through agreements of academic collaboration with national and international institutes and universities.
  3. Form a follow-up programme for 80% of graduates to assess entry to the labour market or to a continuation of academic training (doctorate).
  4. Participation of 50% of students, per generation, in a national and international forum under the modality of presentation, in collaboration with the members of the Basic Academic Core.
  5. Promote 50% of researchers to participate actively in both national and international research networks.
    6. Promote the enrollment and permanence of academics from the Basic Academic Core to the National System of Researchers (SNI).


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Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 12 marzo, 2024 Responsable: Maestría en Ciencias Biológicas Contacto: ibimartinez@uv.mx