Universidad Veracruzana

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Información para los autores / Information for authors


Se invita a los colegas interesados para que  envíen sus resúmenes relacionados con el enfoque de esta Conferencia.

Para participar con presentaciones orales o  posters, deben enviar su resumen adjunto en formato Word y PDF  antes del 25 de febrero de 2022 a la dirección electrónica iufro1622@gmail.com.


Nombrar el archivo de la siguiente manera:

Apellido del primer autor-Oral, ó  Apellido del primer autor-Poster.

Interested colleagues are invited to submit their abstracts related to the focus of this conference.

To participate with oral presentations or posters, please send your abstract in Word and PDF format before 25 February 2022 to iufro1622@gmail.com



Please name the file as follows:

First author’s surname-Oral, or First author’s surname-Poster.


Lineamientos de resúmenes

Utilice Microsoft Word, con interlineado sencillo. Tipo de letra Times New Roman de tamaño 12 pts. Con una extensión de 350 palabras.

Titulo: centrado, en negritas, nombres científicos en cursiva, sin punto final. Apellido y nombre de Autor (es), adscripción institucional con dirección y país, seguido de correo electrónico de autor correspondencia. Resalte en negritas el nombre del ponente.

El resumen estará estructurado en: antecedentes, objetivo (s), métodos,  resultados y conclusiones

Palabras clave: tres a cinco palabras en orden alfabético

El resumen deberá contener un máximo de 350 palabras, sin considerar título y autores. Los resúmenes se publicarán en el libro de resúmenes.


Abstract  Guidelines


Use Microsoft Word with single line spacing. Times New Roman font size 12 pt. With a length of 350 words.



Title: centred, in bold, scientific names in italics, without full stop. Surname and name of author(s), institutional affiliation with address and country, followed by the author’s e-mail address. Highlight in bold the name of the speaker.



The abstract must be structured as follows: background, objective(s), methods, results and conclusions


Keywords: three to five words in alphabetical order



The abstract must contain a maximum of 350 words, without considering the title and authors. Abstracts will be published in the abstract book.

Ejemplo de resumen Summary example



Ejemplo de resumen / Summary example:


Example of an abstract, please read carefully the abstract and participate.


Rönnberg, J.1; Medel, R.2.  Alvarez C. and Rebolledo V.3


1Swedish University of Agricultural, Uppsala, Sweden. SE-750 07.

2Centro de Investigación en Micología Aplicada Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz MEXICO.

3Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales, Universidad Veracuzana, 91070. Xapaa, Veracruz, MEXICO.

E-mail: Jonas.Ronnberg@slu.se


Resumen: (máximo 300 palabras)

Welcome to the 16th IUFRO Roots and stem Rot conference. We were very pleased to accept the organisation of this event, however, as we all know the sanitary conditions of SARS-COV2 have caused the delay of this event, which was supposed to be held last year. The methodology followed was to propose the Universidad Veracruzana, which is located in the southeast of Mexico, as the venue for this conference with the aim of holding the 16th edition of this event. This was decided in 2018.  We apologise for the haste and the lack of information about the event but we have overcome (like many others in different countries) many inconveniences and unforeseen events that prevented us from having certainty about how to organise this meeting, we always hoped that it would be in person and that you would get to know our beautiful country and all the kindness and culture that our University of Veracruz has to offer. The expected results depend on you as interested colleagues to support us by sending us your abstracts which should have a minimum of 350 words, without including titles, authors or addresses. At the end you should include three to five keywords in alphabetical order. The results we hope to achieve is to realise this conference with your kind and supportive participation, although it will be online using the Zoom platform, it will be a pleasure to see and hear you in your talks. We have prepared for you a sample of the culture and artists that are part of our Universidad Veracruzana. We are convinced that you will enjoy seeing each other virtually with your colleagues. We invite students to participate in this conference. In conclusion we look forward to your participation and decided to make it a fee free event with preference for members with current IUFRO membership.

Key words: Conference 16 R&SR, cheer up, participate, you arewelcome.



Presentaciones orales

Los ponentes tendrán 10 minutos para sus presentaciones orales, incluido un par de minutos para preguntas. En caso de tener problemas con el horario de su presentación, se puede enviar grabada al correo iufro1622@gmail.com, indicando día y hora que le fue asignada al momento de ser aceptada.

Envíe su presentación una semana antes de la conferencia.


Oral presentations

Speakers will have 10 minutes for their oral presentations, including a couple of minutes for questions. If you have a problem with the schedule for your presentation, you can send it recorded to the email iufro1622@gmail.com, indicating the day and time that it was assigned at the time it was accepted.

Submit your presentation one week before the conference.

Sesión de póster

Si su presentación fue aceptada como póster, siga estas instrucciones:

Formato pdf. Tamaño: Doble carta

Estructurado como el resumen: antecedentes, objetivo (s), métodos,  resultados y conclusiones . Diseño libre.


Poster session

If your presentation was accepted as a poster, please follow these instructions:

Pdf format. Size: Double letter

Structured as the abstract: background, objective(s), methods, results and conclusions. Free design


Enlaces de pie de página


Lomas del Estadio s/n
C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

Redes sociales


Código de ética

Última actualización

Fecha: 2 marzo, 2022 Responsable: Rodrigo López Sánchez Contacto: rodlopez@uv.mx