Universidad Veracruzana

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The Family Medicine Specialty based in the Family Medicine Unit No. 66, is justified as a result of the rethinking of medicine worldwide, with an integrative approach of the human being, to whom the phenomenon of super specialization and technological advancement had fragmented, both in diagnosis and treatment; In addition to justifying itself in the epidemiological profile of the state of Veracruz and in the need to train medical specialists.



It aims to train medical specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, timely, continuous and risk-focused medical attention in the health-disease (S-E) process of the individual and his family in the healthcare, administrative, managerial, educational and research fields.

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Pedro Mora Beristain SN, Zona Centro, 91070, Xalapa-Enríquez, Ver.

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Última actualización

Fecha: 23 junio, 2023 Responsable: Coordinación de Especialidades Médicas Contacto: mayladron@uv.mx