Universidad Veracruzana

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Producción 2012

  1. Coria-Avila GA (2012) The role of conditioning on heterosexual and homosexual partner preferences in rats. Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology: special issue on Learning and Sexuality. http://www.socioaffectiveneuroscipsychol.net/index.php/snp/article/view/17340/20768
  2. Gonzalo Emiliano Aranda-Abreu, María Elena Hernández-Aguilar, Marisol Herrera-Rivero and Luis Isauro García-Hernández. Drugs for alzheimer’s. Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy. ISSN: 2155-6105.
  3. James G. Pfaus, Tod. E. Kippin, Genaro A. Coria-Avila, Hélène Gelez, Veronica M. Afonso, Nafissa Ismail, Mayte Parada (2012) Who, What, Where, When (and Maybe Even Why): How the Experience of Sexual Reward Connects Sexual Desire, Preference, and Performance. Archives of Sexual Behavior. ISNN: en trámite.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22402996
  4. Paredes-Ramos P, Coria-Avila GA (2012) Cognición en perros: Revisión y reporte de caso. eNeurobiologia. Vol 3. Num 1.https://www.uv.mx/eneurobiologia/volumenes/2012/vol1/ParedesP/ParedesP-3(1)090112-12.pdf
  5. Maria Leonor López-Meraz, Enrique Juárez Aguilar, Jesus Servando Medel-Matus, Dulce Mariely Álvarez-Croda, Ricardo Galán-Zamora, César A. Pérez-Estudillo, Maria Elena Hernández, Marta Miquel, Jorge Manzo. Necrosis neuronal programada. 2012. Revista Médica de Universidad Veracruzana en prensa. ISNN:1870- 3267.
  6. Niquet J, Lopez-Meraz ML, Wasterlain CG. Programmed Necrosis After Status Epilepticus. En: Jasper’s Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies. 2012. Noebels JL, Avoli M, Rogawski MA, Olsen RW, Delgado-Escueta AV (Editores). Cuarta edición. Oxford University Press. Nueva York. pp 337-386. ISBN 978-0-19-974654-5.
  7. Maria-Leonor López-Meraz, Luisa L. Rocha, Marta Miquel, Jenny C. Ortega, Cesar A. Perez-Estudillo, Luis I. García, M.E. Hernandez, J. Manzo. Amino acid tissue levels and GABAA receptor binding in the developing rat cerebellum following status epilepticus. Brain Research, 2012 In Press, doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2011.12.038.

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Fecha: 25 noviembre, 2021 Responsable: Cuerpo Académico Neurociencias Contacto: luisgarcia@uv.mx