Universidad Veracruzana
1 de April de 2021

Topics of interest

IEEE-CIPEV 2021 will deal with power and energy solutions for rural communities, under the current global scenario of opportunities and technological challenges emerging from a humanity in risk.

In this first edition of IEEE-CIPEV, we aim to present and discuss recent technological advances in the fields related to power and energy, and the proposals for the use of them for the benefit of those most in need.

Authors are invited to submit contributions including, but not limited to the following areas:

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy Wind power generation
Photovoltaic systems Energy Harvesting
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Substation automation
Transmission lines Electrical Machinery
SDG 11: Sustainable cites and communities Smart metering and advanced metering infrastructure
Smart Distribution Systems Electric Vehicles
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production Energy storage technologies
Smart grids and beyond Network Codes  
SDG 13: Climate action Emerging power technologies
Carbone capture and storage HVDC systems
Information Technologies in Organizations Research, Innovation and Development in Organizations
Electrical Power Systems Electrical power systems protections