Universidad Veracruzana

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The Universidad Veracruzana (UV) is an institution of higher education, public and free, is a leading center in teaching, research, creation and dissemination of theories, methodologies and techniques in different fields of knowledge, articulated to the major scientific and social problems, national and international.

As an institution of higher education it assumes with responsibility its social function, profiling itself as the first regional institution of higher education that offers under clearly defined guidelines, the master’s degree in forensic medicine with an interdisciplinary approach.

To train forensic medical, the UV, through the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Veracruz Region, has been given the task of developing a curriculum design that obeys both the current needs of our country, as well as the particularities of the development and conformation of Forensic Medicine. In this way, the master’s degree is placed in the Mexican reality and social context, delimiting the needs and problems that it will satisfy and solve through its work performance.

The master’s degree in Forensic Medicine seeks to satisfy the theoretical and practical needs in the practice of the forensic discipline, providing professionals related to the area with the technical-scientific elements that allow them a correct intervention within the expert field, and to fully face the main challenges in their professional training,  This is not possible with the basic knowledge acquired in the degree, but it is necessary to deepen and frame them in the legal framework, to impact the students in a competent training of professionals in Forensic Medicine, to comply with the expert function in a diligent and conducive manner, thus avoiding negligent acts that impact negatively on society.



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Instituto de Medicina Forense
Calz Juan Pablo II 636, Costa Verde, 94294 Boca del Río, Ver., México

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Última actualización

Fecha: 22 enero, 2025 Responsable: Dr. Carlos Alberto Jiménez Baltazar Contacto: carlojimenez@uv.mx